Wednesday, February 03, 2010

order in the house

When you work from home the toughest thing is ignoring the state of the house and settling in to do work without distractions. Ordinarily I can achieve that, but today, erk. I can hear next door's cleaner working away getting their house all clean and shiny and even though I'm locked in the study I can feel how messy my own house is. Hubby's working on a project so has piles of paper around the living room, rainy days have meant the washing's in teetering mountain-like structures and too much relaxing on the weekend means that stuff that needed to get done just didn't.

So rather than sitting here letting it bug me, I'm going to get up and put in 55 minutes-worth of serious cleaning and tidying. Then I can sit down and revel in my clean workspace and get stuff done.


  1. i like how your spending 55 minutes doing......not a whole hour!! :D

  2. I could never work from home full time. The distractions would always get the better of me. In fact, I'm at home today, having taken the day off to finish a uni assignment. Do you think I've actually done any of it yet? That's a big, fat NO!

  3. Tee hee Angela. Well it was 10.05 when I posted so thought 55 minutes sounded better than starting work at 11.05! Got it done though.

    Yes Kellyansapansa, it's tough, but most of the time I manage. Now set yourself a timer and get that assignment done! x

  4. It's hard isn't it - it's like some sludge that comes in under the door! "Clean me, Clean me!" ergh. My floors badly need doing - tonight when the kids are in bed I've decided!

    I'm surprised you haven't rigged up your undercover line yet!! Tsk tsk he he. I'm going to make you feel bad by saying my entire washing basket is clean and put away :P (insert smug woman image with halo here!) xxx

  5. Oh my line's there Liss- just can't be bothered trudging up and hanging it out!


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