Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I so need this magazine for so many reasons. First of all for putting this utterly glorious woman on its cover, secondly, for Marc Jacobs' wedding story {by his husband - bless}, thirdly, Kate and Andy Spade. It'll probably set me back about 9 million dollars at Borders {if they've got it} but I reckon it's worth it.

Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to comment when someone outside the regular model mold was featured. You know, when you expected to see someone unexpected on a cover. You'd think that with the trend for celebrity covers we'd be seeing a bit more variety, but no, it's always variations on a theme...

No wonder blogs are so popular. On blogs there's a celebration of a wide range of diversity. We bloggers get to share images that we love - without worrying that it'll affect the popularity of our blog.

Having worked on magazines I was part of some pretty intense conversations "Not green - green doesn't sell." or "She's got a wonky eye, can we swap it?" {and yes would be the answer to that one...}. Each year a big wig from the UK would come out and address the company with new pronouncements on what worked and what didn't work {green on a cover was always unanimously loathed - which I never understood - I love green}.

Blogging's fabulous because you can share a lot with such an intimate audience and connect in ways you never could in publications. We have the immediacy of comments too which I love. Checking back to see who's said what keeps on driving me through the day. I also love checking out comments on other's blogs - to find new blogs to read {people who give good comment tend to give good blog don't you think?}.


  1. ohmygoodness, I totally agree. I was just telling my husband how much I NEEDED this magazine. (hi, I'm Jen, just found you, having a good read now!)

  2. Yes yes yes! I love this post! The cover is FANTASTIC, as is the divine Ms. Hendricks!

  3. Hey Jen, nice to meet you {gotta love a gal who rocks a flower in her hair!}

    Thanks Rianna - I'm smitten with it!

  4. So love this cover, thanks for sharing. Have to agree with all you said in this post, it most certainly is a shame we have to celebrate when a woman and not a skinny child is on a cover - says a lot doesn't it.

  5. I know Kakka, wouldn't it be lovely if every type of woman were celebrated... We can do it though! x

  6. Okay this is where I (again) show my ignorance. Who is that beautiful woman on the cover?

  7. E. It's Christina Hendrieks from Mad Men - a show I've barely watched {it's on Showtime on Foxtel...} but I adore her!

  8. Just couldn't agree with you MORE! LOVE this post, and the community we share!! Thanks for this!

  9. You had me at your first comment...

  10. Great post! I'm a relative 'newcomer' to blogging. I love it so much! The community, the comments, the variety and the fact that it enables us to connect with like minded people all over the world.
    Christina is incredibly beautiful.
    I'll be interested in knowing how much the mag costs you :)

  11. I never understood the green cover thing.
    Wonderful post!

  12. Okay, I'm dying of suspense here. I'm reading this post at work and can't see any pictures. Which magazine are we talking about?

  13. New York Magazine - which I can't seem to find in Australia!!!! Must find a new yorker who will buy it and send it to me!!!!!! {i know, exclam overload - but worth it!}

  14. Aha, sounds frustrating. You must have a blogging follower in New York, surely?

  15. I will need to find them if i don't! Sure I have a few facebook friends in NY though...

  16. God I love this cover. She's such a fox ... and not a stick insect either. Super refreshing.


Comments make me SO happy. Thank you for taking the time to share the love x