Monday, January 25, 2010

meal planning monday

The start of the school week means starting fresh with menu planning. I'm over fretting at the last minute what to cook and spending a fortune on groceries. So here goes:

tonight: mini pizza and salad
tuesday: beef, spinach and brocolini stir fry
wednesday: gremolata and panko-crumbed pork cutlets with red cabbage coleslaw
thursday: thai marinated chicken thighs grilled on the bbq with a green salad
friday: crispy skin salmon, lemon potato slices and green salad
saturday: steak and salad bbq night
sunday: husband and child's night to cook: mexican or home-made pizza!

Wednesday night I'll also be whipping up some mini frittata or mini quiche for the gal's lunch. Surprisingly simple and fills her up till home time.


  1. I really adore how you always include salads! I can't get Nolan to touch salads most of them time, unless its drowning in highly caloric grossness. I'm a simple vinaigrette gal myself. You've inspired me, I think I'll just start including salads at least for myself into our weekly meal planning too!

  2. My hubby tends to leave his vegies to the side {despite 10 years as a vegetarian}, but does love salad. I just saw an amazing one on tv - vietnamese with all lovely crisp colours. Mmmmm. Oh, an vinaigrettes are simply limitless aren't they? I'm going to buy some sherry vinegar this week - feeling all spanish-inspired!

  3. I'm a weirdo purist on vinaigrettes- squooshes of lemon, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Sometimes, I'll mix it up but thats the one I eat nearly every day.

  4. I'm a weirdo purist on almost anything - but I do like to mix up my dressings {although original's always best!}


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