Thursday, March 12, 2009

a piece of green

Taking eco-friendly steps is always my preferred option. When I do a load of washing it's always a cold load - and there's nothing I like better than pegging it out to dry in the sunshine and soft breezes. When I find aphids on my roses I'll blast them off with a hose, then feed the plants with more manure to make them healthier and better able to fight off disease. If I need to use a toxic spray to combat a pest, I'll remove the plant and try something hardier in its place {that's what I did with the two standard azalias at the foot of my stairs - they were constantly stricken with red spider mite - ugly little critters}.

If I have a choice, I'll choose organic over chemically-grown products - I prefer to reward farmers who are doing their best for our environment. And turning off a light when I leave the room just seems like common sense. Generally I also find warm water and a cloth cleans most things, if not, I'll add some essential oils and white vinegar and find it cuts through most gunk. Sure, scrubbing at my grout with a brush is more labour-intensive than spraying on bleach and spraying it off with the shower head. But I don't get bowled over by fumes, and I quite like the incidental exercise and arm toning I get {I am going to have the most buff right arm any day now... I find it hard to be ambidextrous}. 

I reckon that if it worked for my grandma - why shouldn't it work for me?


  1. My cleanser of choice for 90% of everything is a bucket of hot, hot water and my method or greenworks dish soap. IT works just as well as ammonia or bleach most of the time. People use that stuff also because they don't want to do the work of being regular about cleaning the house. They figure ONCE A MONTH BLAST O BLEACH KEEPS THINGS GREAT! I'd rather have the peace of mind of just cleaning regularly, but I am an odd duck. People also don't realise how much dirt and grime they can alleviate by merely sweeping and vacuuming more often.

  2. I do bust out the big guns whenever we first move into a new place or move out of somewhere, when we've been super super sick, or if for some reason there has been some sort of gross circumstance that caused mold to grow somewhere (doesn't happen very often due to my being a clean freak- but it's occured.) Part of the reason why I do that is to make sure everything in a new or old place is in tip top shape though and to evaluate the cleanliness/functionality of the home. I am sure before Emerson comes I will do one big giganto crazy cleanathon then too. With a face mask on though- fumes are really hard for me to deal with no matter what.


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