Tuesday, March 31, 2009

due credit

Are you a credits lover or do you dash to leave your seat before the first name rolls up onto the screen? 

I'm a stick it till the end gal - for me, a movie's denouement is when the final credit has rolled. Luckily my hubby's content to sit with me - the final two patrons in a cinema, staff cleaning up the popcorn around us.

I've also started a tradition with my daughter. In the holidays she takes a friend to a kid's film and as the final credits roll, they're allowed to rush down to the front of the cinema to dance in the space below the screen while I sit there alternately reading the cast-list and smiling at their antics.

1 comment:

  1. This depends on the movie for me. Since I'm not huge into the media industry and learning all the ins and outs, usually I wait through the actor roll, the song list if there were songs I particularly loved, and for foreign films or documentaries I'm a big fan of, the director so I can check into other works they've done.


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