Wednesday, June 15, 2011

a little ray of sunshine

Rain, wind, rain, wind. Oh my it's grey and soggy in this neck of the woods. I also had to wake at 5.30am to get my gal to school by 6.15am and on a bus to Canberra. Thankfully the rain held off for long enough for the kids to get boarded - and for tired-eyed parents to wave them off. Oh those poor teachers who'll be supervising for three days - hope they have a nice bottle of wine ready for their return on friday night.

I could do with a spot of sunshine, which is why this gorgeous image from Martha Stewart caught my eye. Don't you love this poppy belt? I think it'd add a dash of pretty to any outfit.


  1. Oooh.. *shudders* 6.15am? Yikes. I find it challenging getting the kids to school by 9am, and I live on the same street!

  2. ooh that sounds like an early and cold start to the day :( Hope you don't get too homesick for your Miss xx


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