Wednesday, March 02, 2011

wife swap

I have a new addiction. Of course it's a reality tv program... Wife Swap.

See, I'd always ignored it, thinking it was just confrontational and sensationalist, but after accidentally stumbling upon an episode of the UK series I'm hooked.

You know the drill, two wives, swap lives and live with each other's families. First, they live by the family's current rules then it's game on and the family's live by the new mum's rules. It's been interesting to watch the dynamic. Mainly because, in general, we always think that our way's the right way - don't we? Otherwise why do it? But it's interesting to see how the family's come around. Of course they've chosen extremes, and of course they put women with opposing views into different families, but it just illustrates how well 'everything in moderation' works.

There is no right way. Just lots of things that if taken on and cherished, can work out well.

Of course it also illustrates how hard we do have to work at life: marriage, parenting, working, looking after a house. But that we do need to strive to find our balance.

I know that after watching this show there are a few things that I'd like to do differently. I know I have to ensure that I always dedicate specific time every day to actively 'play' with my daughter - not sitting watching a tv show with her {laptop on my lap, working...} not just supervising homework - but getting in and actually doing something with her. Luckily kids are happy with these short, sharp moments. Fifteen minutes or so of dedicated playing with them means that you get that much longed-for time when they're happy to play by themselves.

Relationship-wise, well, hubby and I need to regularly switch off the computer and just chat. Over dinner, before bed - whenever. It'll take dedication {and not writing posts like this at 11pm to schedule for the next day...} but it's worth it.

Prioritising. That's what life's all about. I'm going to be like these mums on Wife Swap and consider my priorities and get them straight.


  1. Thank you for reminding me to plug in a little more.

  2. Loved this post - (and am a bit addicted to Wife Swap. Have you watched celebrity Wife Swap?)


  3. Great post! I love, love love Wife Swap too.

  4. Thanks gals. And yes Mrs Woog - I did catch one episode - hilarious!

  5. I love Wife Swap too! Dave hates it though so I never watch it when he's around, but I find it fascinating! I'd never do it myself however!

  6. You may know me to be a fellow addict by frequent references to this modern day work of art in my own blog. Everything I know about life, I've learned from Wife Swap. I may or may not be exaggerating. It could go either way... x

  7. Post again, I gave you an award! Keep it up!

  8. Another Wife Swap Addict here....sad but true. Once I even punch fisted the air on a saturday night, when I found it was on - true story!


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