Tuesday, March 29, 2011

my little ray of sunshine

I have my poor little poorly lass home with me again today. She's much better, after the raging temperatures she experienced yesterday, but she just needs a recovery day on the couch I think. She also needs lots and lots of mumma cuddles - so I can't complain about that.

I think her body was just telling her it's time to have a rest. Fair enough...


  1. You've a smart girl learning to listen to her body at such a tender age.

    Miss 3 told me last night that her "tummy hurt....up here near when Nanna Anne had her hospital sick" (pacemaker put in). We worked out that Miss 3 had indigestion.....but to catch her lying on her tummy in the bath, "because the warm water is making me feel better" was just gorgeous...and she's promised not to gulp her dinner down so quickly in the future, even if it is "very yummy". Maybe she is learning to listen to her body too.

    Hope you gal feels herself again soon!

  2. Little sweetness, I hope she's well again soon.

    We spend so long ignoring what our body is telling us that we forget that our juniorburgers are all over it. She is wise. x


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