Tuesday, May 11, 2010

one more day...

I'm not big into astrology, but there are some aspects that can't be ignored - such as Mercury Retrograde. Whenever Mercury is retrograde crap will occur. Electrical items {such as my coffee machine} will break down and communication will be muddled and confused {I swear that lately I can't get a sentence out correctly - and don't even think about trying for an erudite argument at this time...}

So, tomorrow Mercury is no longer retrograde so things shall return to normal. In the meantime I'm doing what I can to prepare. I have a phone interview this afternoon for which I'll write out complete questions - rather than just a dot list of prompts. I'm also trying to pause before saying anything, and getting it straight-ish in my head first.

Also, I'm pretty sure I need this fabulous thing in the photo above - seriously, how much better would life be with such a fabulous 'thing" {see, words fail me - handy when you write for a living...}


  1. that is pretty fabulous!!!
    hope you are having a wonderful week

  2. I was about to ask if that was actually in your home, it is indeed fabulous and I want one.
    It does feel like things are a little askew at the moment, let's hope tomorrow has things back on track! x

  3. Absolutely Corinne - but how do we know what to ask for? Chalkboard/pegboard/French daily organiser?

    One more day, one more day, that's my mantra at the moment...

  4. So THAT'S what my problem is. Will pass onto Rob ;)

  5. Oh yes Beth, totally blame Mercury - lil bugger.

  6. That 'thing' is very cool, I would love one.

  7. Never heard of Mercury in Retrograde before. Explains some things happening around here too. Sorry haven't been over to comment for a while. Busy, busy is my only excuse. Now the planets hopefully will line up for you and allow you to have a splendid rest of the year - well I hope so. xxx


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