Thursday, September 08, 2011

goodness gracious

I've been bemused, and a little saddened, as I've watch a wee bit of drama erupt this week. Apparently it's becoming a bit of a thing to judge and attack. I've seen in happen on one of my favourite blogs, and I've seen it happen over Twitter.

Now, I make no secret of my love of reality tv - and one show I just love {even though I probably shouldn't} is Australia's Next Top Model. I've watched every series with glee. I was watching last week when a model bemoaned her weight gain, then had an extremely unflattering photo shoot in a coffin. I remember thinking that it looked like she just wasn't going to fit in - nothing to do with her supposed weight gain, just her sheer height and gangliness. When Alex Perry quipped that she looked like overstuffed luggage I thought it was a pretty apt simile, nothing to do with her weight - she just didn't fit.

Weirdly, nearly a week later a furore arose over the comment with Alex Perry being derided for his 'fat-hatred'. Um, really? Is this the Alex Perry who has clothing up to a size 16? Alex Perry who so beautifully dressed Robyn Lawley in the above Vogue shoot? The hatred and the vitriol he's receiving over twitter is just quite yucky to witness. It's bad enough when someone's done something worthy of derision - but this is a comment taken completely out of context and I think it's just outrageous that any person should be subjected to that. Especially a designer who clothes do tend to celebrate the female form - have a look - they're all about curves and shapes.

Sigh. Haters gotta hate.


  1. i don't watch it as I don't have cable but really, so much hate!
    i didn't think Alex Perry was like that either.

    well written, it's good to vent!

  2. So true!!

    I haven't watched the show, but I'm over negative vibes. Personally, I revel in hanging out with positive people. It definitely rubs off (in a good way).

    And I LOVE Alex Perry and that recent Vogue shoot. Is it just me, or do those Size 12 girls look REAL and SUPER SEXY?

    They just don't seem to look hungry like the Size 0 girls do...


  3. Perhaps he could have worded his comments a little differently (then again fashion is a cut-throat world), but nevertheless there are way too many people out there with way too much time on their hands that think it's their god given right to express their hatred of things. If it's not Alex Perry then you can bet there is someone else they are 'hating' right now.

    And can I just, wow, wow, Robyn Lawley looks absolutely stunning. Way to go curvey girls! alison x

  4. Unfortunately 'hating' is becoming a national sport. x

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  6. It is possibly my least favourite thing about this world I love. The jumping on the bandwagon lynching. I'll bet most people that commented had not even watched the episode without the context of 'FAT HATER'. Sigh. Haters gotta hate indeed. :o/

    Not that I can forgive Alex Perry for not selling his stuff up to a 20. Ha. ;)

  7. Lazy people lie around and get to be judgmental and turn into a parade because it garners them attention. Maybe he could have been more tactful in his choice of words, Mr. Perry that is, but the hate parade was gonna fly all over that because no matter what? For some reason, no matter what we do and teach or preach, the world wants it's models to look like a bunch of ten year old stuck in a cupboard with no food for half their lives. It's soooooo 'artistic'. Gag. Hand me a creme brule and a spoon. Anyday.


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