Sunday, February 03, 2013

sweet sunday

After two days of torrential rain blue skies have finally broken out. YAY! So I'm off to the Farmer's Market this morning, before coming back and getting into loads of essential tasks. One essential task is bunkering down this afternoon and reading The French Laundry Cookbook by Thomas Keller. A chef friend lent it to me, and I'm pretty sure it's going to inspire me. In fact, I'm going to choose a recipe to cook next Sunday night (Sunday nights shall henceforth be known as French Laundry Night).

Oooh, just remembered, I'm also off to the movies this afternoon to check out Silver Linings Playbook - our movie date was washed our last monday.

French word of the day: équilibrer (eh-quil-e-brear) balance.

Have a fabulous Sunday.

image from


  1. Two days of torrential rain!!! Oh, that the wet stuff that falls out of the sky isn't it? Please, please send some westwards. I am so tired of blue skies and we desperately need rain.
    When I read your beautiful posts I often wonder if you ever stay still for even a minute and yet here you are planning to take time to read your Thomas Keller book. Hope your Sunday is as great as you plan it to be. Sorry my comments always seem to be so long. That's just me. Verbose!!!

  2. Wow, are there actually French Laundry recipes you can cook at home? I'm intrigued! Please let us know how it goes.

  3. We had some rain too, lovely. My lawn says thank you!


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