Wednesday, February 06, 2013

a-z of reading

The only thing I love more than a fabulous book, is a fabulous book with a gorgeous cover. So c'mon, imagine my squeal when I saw these new Penguin classics.

Oh my!

They would make alphabetising the bookshelf so much easier don't you think?

Drool over the full alphabet here.

ps: I am home sick today :( I have a blocked up ear that's causing me to feel dizzy and unbalanced. That's sad. But it does inspire today's word.

French word of the day: malade (muh-lard) - sick.


  1. Oh dear, hope you are feeling better soon. PS: Love the books. xT

  2. those books are divine!!
    hope you're feeling better soon...

  3. Get better soon, those books are lovely. I love a good book too, there really is nothing better.m

  4. The A-Z book covers are truly beautiful.
    Sorry about the dizziness. I know how I feel when the vertigo strikes so hope it doesn't happen to you too often. xx


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