Monday, October 18, 2010

oooh, what a manic monday

This morning started off manic {rush to buy milk for breakfast, dash over to the next suburb so hubby can pick up the car we left at our friends' on Saturday night, race to canteen to report for duty} and now I'm looking at a list around a kilometre-long and trying to breathe...

I'll start with the essentials {such as finding these fabbo D&G heels on}, move on to paying the deposit for the farmhouse we're renting in Provence {yep, our second place is booked - will post pics soon! Squeee!}. It's all do-able - if I can keep my cool.

How's your week looking?


  1. Love those shoes - life wouldn't feel so hectic wearing those!!
    Now PPMJ - breathe deeply - gorgeously scented Provence air! (Jealous)

  2. I do like to pop over to see what shoes I'm wearing this week.

    Hope you got through it all, love. x

  3. my week is not looking quite as exciting as your news for the coming week!(so envious of your provence farmhouse!)

    but i am looking forward to the pink ribbon morning tea nic and I will be attending at one of the local wineries this thursday...mmmm, sweet treats

    Gill xo

  4. So jealous of both the shoes and Provence .... Hope you survived your day ok!

  5. OMG they are the most gorgeous shoes ever. If I was young and rich I would buy them in an instant. Great news of the French trip - woohoo.

  6. Personally I'd start my day with finding those shoes. Then if everything else goes to crap you'll have them to fall back on :).

  7. How could you post those shoes and not know I would have a manic squeal fest over them!!!!

  8. Far out brussel sprout. You find the bestest of the bestest of the bestest shoes! LOVE!


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