Friday, August 06, 2010

time saving tip

Lately I've been feeling bogged down in time-wasting stuff and I've just done the most liberating thing to help save myself. Now, I get a lot of emails, up to 100 is normal, but up to 200 is not unknown. Per day. Checking them, replying, deleting, filing them just takes up time. So here's what I just did - I unsubscribed to about 15 different sites that regularly send me updates - that I really don't use. And oh, the feeling of clicking "Un-subscribe" was just utterly amazing.

I might only receive those emails once or twice a week, but I always feel obligated to read through them just-in-case. Well, now they're not there I needn't worry - out of sight, completely and utterly out of my mind.


  1. I have been gradually going through a similar process. As each newsletter or update comes through I am hitting the unsubscribe button, or if I don't have that option I'm sending a quick email to request that I be removed.

    It really is liberating!

    My trouble is that I have put my details down at wedding expos. I tick the boxes I am interested in (e.g. dresses, honeymoons) and yet still am contacted by reception venues, etc. despite me not ticking those boxes. Sometimes if I'm in a particularly grumpy mood I will reply and point out this fact, to which I usually receive quite an apologetic reply and feel guilty!!!

    Anyway, enjoy your new-found email freedom!

  2. Glad I'm not the only one Missea - it's wonderful isn't it!

  3. wow - now i feel even more happy that you took the time to reply to my little email last week when you have so many others to read and respond to - thank you again!

    i am getting to the point where i was starting to think i have too many subscribed newsletters coming in - but i am AWFUL at culling, i always think "what if i need to read something here at some point in the future!"

    good on you for being braver than i!

  4. Yes, Gill, you've just got to cut it out. The internet's out there so as far as I'm concerned if it's not important for right now, or filed away briefly for the future - it's in the trash!

  5. Yes, Gill, you've just got to cut it out. The internet's out there so as far as I'm concerned if it's not important for right now, or filed away briefly for the future - it's in the trash!


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