Friday, August 06, 2010

friday's flowers

I love Redoute's botanical etchings. His roses always sing out to me. I've got a few vintage prints that are awaiting a hanging either side of my desk with the window separating them - they'll cheer me up no end.

Apparently Napleon's Josephine learned to draw under Redoute's tutelage. Imagine...


  1. Roses are the biz, PPMJ. And I'm loving the little car pic below. You find such pretty things, little bower bird. x

  2. Thanks M - I just like to share the pretty...

  3. If I were to ever get tattoo (and I hardly think that I will), I always thought that I'd get Redoute's Madonna Lily.

  4. ooh, will have to check that one out Corinne...

  5. these are the rose prints on my placemats!! I'd forgotten they were Redoute.

  6. I bought some roses this morning to put next to my side of the bed and I just want them to open up like this...but fear that they will just droop their little tight heads in a day. Where are all the pretty, full roses?!

  7. Ahhhh. Lovely. These are reminiscent for me. My granny had prints like these roses on either side of her dressing table.

  8. Why yes Milissa they are - that's why I envy those placemats so!

    Beth, try placing them in the sun for a bit - they might open a tad. So long as the stems are freshly cut they shouldn't droop. They'll look lovely anyway. Squeee in excitement for tomorrow - and hoping that two couples fall desperately in love with your home - or maybe three...

  9. Oh my. That inspires me to paint! Thank you!


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