Tuesday, August 24, 2010

let's pretend...

There was no way on earth I could possibly have posted a shoe of the week yesterday - but today let's pretend that there is a high heel in my foreseeable future...

If there is, please let it be something as Fabulous as these Alexander McQueen numbers I found over at net-a-porter. I do love a cherry red shoe - and look, cuteness, wee lil skulls!

Yesterday I overdid it knee-wise. My physio told me I was allowed to walk without crutches and I decided to become all inspired by The Proclaimers {'and I will walk 500 miles, and I will walk 500 more...'}. So last night involved swelling, ice and elevation. Le sigh.

I'm going to try to take it easy today. I've got my fitball pumped up and under my desk to elevate my leg and I'm going to keep walking to an absolute minimum. Luckily I've got lots of work to keep me chained to my desk!


  1. The power of the positive pump [or heel as it may be] is a wonderful thing!
    x Felicity

  2. great shoe pic, hopefully one day soon you will be back in heals :)

  3. I've just come on to leave a comment I have meant to for ages.

    Did you know you are my "leave the world behind with all the grey and hardness and come indulge my senses in a visual feast" safe haven?

    I tell you, I come here so many days exhausted, stressed and, let's face it, in a downright foul mood, and put down the load, sit and go...
    *SIGH*. Thank you.

  4. Gifts of Serendity - here's hoping!

    Kelly, thanks, I've got everything crossed in hope!

    MadMother - thank you so much. That really means a lot to me xx

  5. Gahhhhh! If it were possible to marry shoes, those babies and I would be engaged right about now!


Comments make me SO happy. Thank you for taking the time to share the love x