Monday, February 02, 2009

well read

I was an avid reader from an early age. I devoured books and they always made me smile. I also started my re-reading thing quite young. See, if I like a book I can happily read it again, and again. It may have something to do with my goldfish-like brain, or maybe repetition suits me. Anywhoodle, there are some children's book's that I just la-la-loved. I wished that I'd kept some from my childhood, but they were lost on one of my dad's many moves. 

Thank goodness for op-shops though. Over the years I've rebuilt an extensive Dr Seuss collection for my daughter and she's just as fond of his amazing brain as I am. There were also a few Little Golden Books I adored - and this one here was my absolute favourite of all. I actually screamed the day I found this on a second-hand bookshop's shelves.

Annabella and I both love The Color Kittens. Even though she's nine, if she's had a big day and is too tired to read, I'll get this out and read to her at bedtime and we'll both smile at the tale of Brush and Hush. When the little pink dog dances with a groovy green cat... oh, what wonderful illustrations.

Next stop is to track down my favourite book from when I was about nine. What The Witch Left and is a magical tale that even to this day inspires me. The friendship, the magic and the adventure are a must for every little girl's mind. It was a scholastic book, so it was probably one I begged for from a school book club. But now, it's sadly out of print (despite many fans calling for its reprint) so I'll need a well-loved 2nd hand version. Anyone?

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