Friday, February 27, 2009

domestic express

Quick hits that make your home a nicer place to be are always a sterling idea. Today, I quickly flung the vacuum cleaner around {so much so that our provincial sideboard is, well, verging even more on the shabby side of chic...} and then filled a bucket with steaming hot water and sprinkled in the lavender oil. Now all my floors are sparkling and the house is smelling fresh and delicious. Combine this with the sheets flapping on the line in the sunshine - and my super-cosy dinner plan - and I'm feeling all Marthariffic.


  1. I was in a rather Martha mood these past two days too- being stuck inside while ice storms rage outside do that to you, I guess. Anyways, yesterday my big project was cleaning out the fridge and cupboards, wiping them all down, scrubbing the outsides and the appliances. My kitchen totally sparkled for all of five seconds till I used it again. Sigh. I also ironed about a hundred napkins and placemats and washed the living room curtains. Then I did the hand washable laundry I've been avoiding and strung it around my bathroom- Nolan was so bewildered when he got home. I capped it all off with a hot bath with lavender oil and some reading before bed. I zoomed about all day it seems!


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