Saturday, March 30, 2013

think pink

Of all the book publishers I think I love Penguin the most. Hey, I love the other ones too, particularly those that've published my friends, but I love how Penguin are always inspiring booklovers to fill their shelves with awesome.

Look at these! Pink Penguins! 12 classics with pink covers to help raise funds for the McGrath Foundation and breast cancer. Should I ever get around to colour-coding my bookshelf these would be first on my must-buy list.

French word of the day: bibliothèque (bib-lio-tech) - library.


  1. We also love penguin books and these pink books are a fantastic idea. Let's hope they sell lots of copies for such a good cause.
    I've often thought I'd love to learn more French (I only have some remnants of the language left from school days) but some of their words are so complicated compared with English I think I may be too old. : )

    1. Aren't they fabulous? And no, you are NEVER too old Mimsie - let's do it together.

  2. I've been eyeing them off myself! It's a really great shade of pink too. But colour coding shelves, mon dieu! It goes against everything I know.
    Think Pink remind me of the musical number towards the beginning of Funny Face with Kay Thompson, who was the creator of Elouise :)

    1. Ha, I can't even alphabetise my shelves - I will never colour-code.

      I love that number, had no idea it was Kay Thompson (LOVE ELOISE!)


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