Wednesday, March 27, 2013

hidden gems of newcastle

I'm in love with cycling. More specifically, I'm in love with pootling* around on my bike just checking out all the awesome that my city has to offer. I've shared before about my favourite cycling route - but I took a few more shots the other day that I'd like to show you.

After pootling through the streets of Cooks Hill, and along the foreshore for a bit, I get to Nobby's sand dunes. Aren't they fabulous. PS: look what an awesome nature-painter did with the sky. I like.

Look at the fabulous shapes and structures that make up Nobby's breakwall. Aren't they just glorious? Oh, and that beach you see framed in the background is Newcastle Beach. Sigh.

Did I tell you that the breakwall is some kind of outdoor art gallery? Well it is. Look at this - stunning isn't it? There are also odd bits of graffiti, some a bit crap, but others quite magnificent. My favourite has been removed: "We will never again be together so young", but, like Eternity, it keeps popping up in different scripts, in different spots. It's determined.

I love to ride back by the harbour. I love the way the palm fronds frame the view. I also get a wee bit excited when I see tugs, either on their own or helping to haul in the bulk carriers.

Can you see now why I get itchy and twitchy when it's raining and I can't get for a ride?

*Pootling: riding along slowly, just enjoying the view.

French word of the day: équitation: (eh-qwi-ta-shon) riding.


  1. You have such a lovely backdrop for it too.

  2. Stop! You're making me homesick ...

    1. Your house was open for inspection the other day. Go on, buy it. We'll virtually be neighbours...

  3. I love how you love Newy so much. I'd much like to join you on a pootle one day. C

    1. I can't help it, Newy's just a big spunk.

      And yep - that'd be awesome. It's a date x

  4. It is wonderful the way you love your city and show it off so well. Thanks once again for sharing some spectacular photos. x

    1. You're more than welcome Mimsie - if you love something it's rude not to share :)

  5. I painted the original "we will never again be together so young" with my friends on my year abroad at Newy uni. It was a saying in broken english by my german housemate, which kind of summed up the magic of our year abroad. I'm so sad that it's gone, but it's amazing that it keeps popping up again!


Comments make me SO happy. Thank you for taking the time to share the love x