Thursday, December 10, 2009

mmmmm pretty

I love bows at any time, but at Christmastime? Hold me back... Now, if these little numbers from Valentino don't present you as the perfect present - what will?

I'm seriously swooning over these numbers and hoping that my love-smitten state will get me over the hump and allow me to finish all the piles of work calling, nay, screeching my name {harridans}.

I did at least work through half my pile of Christmas cards last night and plan on giving myself a 15 minute break at some stage today to do a few more...

Enjoy your thursday...


  1. hmm...i reckon bows draw attention to your feet...and if you have ugly feet like don;t need the extra attention!!! hehee

  2. Yes, they're no good if you're a foot-loather!


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