Tuesday, January 15, 2013

take me away...

Oh, Galleries Lafayette, I heart you. Can you believe that this is a shopping centre? Shopping's a pleasure in Paris when you're surrounded by such beauty. This is one of the reasons why I love Paris, and will ensure that I visit it again, and again, and again.

French word of the day: santé - health.

What do we have if we don't have our health? I know it's my focus this year (yep, on top of all those 52 other things I'm doing - but hey, some of them are health and fitness related non?)

So tonight I'm off to burlesque where I'm going to shimmy my butt off. Pour mon santé.


  1. So beautiful, enjoy Burlesque, it sounds do fun.

  2. Did you know we have a Galleries Lafayette in Dubai?

    Health is on my agenda too, just got to get moving!


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