Saturday, January 05, 2013

ma vie en rose

Do you know what makes me happier than seeing these pink beauties peeking over my front fence? Not a great deal. While the blooms on Duchess de Brabant are only small they're prolific and so sweetly scented they make my heart sing. I might nab one of these to pop over my ear for my Literary Ladies Luncheon I'm attending today (read that description on Twitter last night - sounds posh non?)

Although I have decided to ride my bike to the lunch, which is at The Landing at Honeysuckle - and I don't think flowers behind the ear and cycling helmets mesh...

Anyway, time for the french word of the day. Are you enjoying them? I know I am. Tomorrow I'll do a round-up of the week's words so we can practice.

Chouette: (informal adjective) - meaning: smashing, nice, great. Eg: C'est chouette - "that's great!" Or, in my case, "mon rose et chouette". It's pronounced chou- ette, so simple non?

So, now I'm off to try to buy a pressie for my sister-in-law for her 50th birthday tonight. I need to buy her something chouette, or fabuleux - just like her. But what? But where? Wish me luck...


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