Saturday, March 13, 2010

bring out your manolos

Here's one of the first stills released from Sex and the City 2. I've been invited to a screening on June 4 so it looks like the release will be around then. Hello girly night out!

Your plans for the weekend?


  1. ooh lucky you!

    i cant believe it isnt out til june! that is ages away!

    this weekend {it is saturday now} i have done two loads of washing, one still to be hung out. a tonne of prac work to write up. mainly planning and evaluationg of the week in re to my goals. boring stuff.


  2. I'm so jealous - I can't WAIT for this movie!

  3. Do you need a date for the occasion? You'll never guess but I am free then! What are the chances?

    This weekend it's all about cooking (& eating) good food - tomorrow lunch with friends at our place. And my little Harper...she had her first taste of solids (sure it was rice cereal mixed with breast milk) but she was SO excited. That's my gal...

    BTW...word verification? DIMBAT. Me not you. LOVE it.

  4. I obviously will see the movie, as I am a die hard fan . . , but I am actually a little unenthused at the idea of a sequel and the whispers of yet ANOTHER one. I just felt like they took the story lines s far as they could go in the last one, and that really this one's going to be some sort of incredulous plot line that has nothing to do with what these four women were originally about or where their lives were going. Sigh. If you can't make it better, don't mess with a good thing I always say!

  5. I cannot wait until SATC2 comes out. I have been watching the series and first movie in anticipation.

  6. lucky girl!! so very exciting.
    thanks for the comment the other day, migraine was bad, still fuzzy headed but sipping tea now & reading blogs until I need to get up & do some post market cleaning.

    hugs lovely & enjoy your Sunday


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