Thursday, June 25, 2009

don't you know who i am?

My blog spent the entire afternoon pretending to have not one clue who I was. I had to sign in and write up that crazy, incomprehensible word verification - whenever I tried to comment on MY BLOG. Then, when I tried to post, blogger told me I wasn't the author of any blogs yet. Scary stuff.

Luckily it's recognising me now, which is fortuitous as I'm teering on the edge of hysteria with Justine being sent home from MasterChef. Yes, Justine: talented, calm, fabulous, should have won the first celebrity chef challenge, graciously allowed Lucas to take the second challenge to secure his berth in the final {even though he's not one onehundredth of the cook she is...} - that Justine. And yes, Justine, while Sam {one dish wonder} and Andre {strawberry risotto} remain in the competition. Not happy! At least Julie's still there. I just love Julie.

Chris for the win I reckon - hey, I'll be at whatever he has to offer next time I'm in Melbourne.


  1. Blogger/Blogspot pulls that sort of bullhockey on me at least once a week. It will also insert strange code into photos I am posting, so I have to go back and redo code constantly. This is totally annoying. I wonder if they have more summer traffic on the site or something?

  2. We were all devastated (or devo-ed ... if you're a young person) that Justine left. I was gunning for her. Chris is a little arrogant. Now I'll be going for Julie, methinks.

  3. i agree - i'm going for Chris!


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