Tuesday, July 06, 2010

knuckling down

There's nothing that I like more than being busy - so today, I'm positively blissful. Lots on, plenty to keep my mind occupied and a few challenges thrown in there as well.

Oh, we won our semi final at netball last night. I sat there with my injury cheering my team on. We had a close game with the final, but ended up losing by a respectable 5 goals. It's a novel concept just watching from the sidelines - one that I'd prefer to just do the once. Hopefully this crazy knee injury of mine will heal soon and I'll be back on the court next week {yep, straight into the new competition - indoor netball allows no rest}.

Finally, three words I never want to hear in the same sentence again: macaron, olive and beetroot. Zumbo might be considered a genius, but I swear I felt a little sick every single time olive macarons were mentioned {and boy, were they mentioned a lot last night on MasterChef}.


  1. I agree. Couldn't get past the flavours - and couldn't work out what you'd do with such a cake.

  2. Oh yes, let's not even get into the whole macarons-stuck-on-styrofoam-with-toothpicks debacle!

  3. so sorry you lost the final, hope you knee is getting better:)I have to admit that the purple ones were not the best choice....but the pink ones....yummy!xx

  4. Nolan loves strawberries and mustard together. Could you imagine this as a macaron? Gag.

  5. Yes, Oana, the pink were yummy looking {as is everything pink!} but still not sure about the beetroot.

    And Sara Rose, wow, hope you don't kiss him after eating those!


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