Thursday, January 05, 2012

sew far...

This is the year I resolve to learn to sew. Properly. I'm always searching for that ideal a-line skirt that only exists in my head - perhaps this year I could buy some fabulous jersey and make it myself. Or whip up a little something with vintage fabric. I have a sewing machine, I have my fabulous vintage Vogue Sewing book - I just need some fabric, a pattern and a wee bit of time.

Should, shouldn't I?


  1. oh yes please do - we'd love to see the end result:) when we move back to bris vegas I am going to make friends with my mum's machine - wish me luck - I am all thumbs :) best le

  2. I need to know how to work my sewing machine! Okay, let's make some kind of deal - we both need to be able to make ourself wearable garments before 2013. Deal?

  3. My goal for 2012 is to make rather than buy as many gifts as possible & make clothes for my kidlets (& moi)

    My sewing machine & I are friends, my knitting needles & I are friends, I just don't get to spend as much time with them as I would like.
    So many interesting things in the world, not enough hours in the day, lucky we gals can multi-task, now, back to my super garlicky beef & basil meatballs.

  4. You can do it. Don't forget to show us the finished products (I don't think you would stop at one item!).

  5. You definitely should (and I should definitely join you). What a lovely thing that would be... whipping up your own things.

    Oh sigh.

    Happy New Year Lovely Thing! xx

  6. Should!

    I say I'm gonna do it this year too. It really is a time thing, isn't it. x

  7. Well done you! I'd also LOVE to learn to sew, but I don't think it will be this year. I'm going to enjoy watching you learn though :o) xo


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