Sunday, August 21, 2011

Farewell Harry and friends

So, I finally got to the cinema for the final Harry Potter. Genius.

I was worried I'd feel let down, but once again the team came up trumps and created a fitting finale. I do feel sad that it's over, but thankfully the film did provide some closure.

Now I think it's time to revisit the books, then start all over with the movies again...


  1. I wasn't a big Harry Potter fan, but I loved this movie. Great to have a movie the teenagers and I both enjoy..... A rare occurrence!

  2. I'm saving this one. I guess I'm not ready to say goodbye. x

  3. harry potter was fantastic. I agree, i would re-read the books again soon.


  4. I am a few movies behind so probably will wait until this one comes out on dvd. They have been a great lot of movies.

  5. I haven't seen it yet and I'm telling myself it's just because baby-sitting is tricky, but really it'll be the end of an era! I'm so looking forward to it but...

  6. I was worried too. Like, what could they do to make sure it ends of well, you know. Big bang or something. We loved it.

    Glad you finally got to see it.


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