Thursday, August 18, 2011

do you like scary movies?

I used to be a HUGE fan of scary movies. In my teens I swallowed them up: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, all the Nightmare on Elmstreet films, Friday the 13th... But when I fell pregnant, that was it - no more. I couldn't bear anything scary or remotely horrifying.

Of all these films, one sticks in my mind for the serious scare-you-out-of-your-skin factor: The Woman In Black. Scary. Seriously.

And now it's been remade, with a rather dashing Daniel Radcliffe in the lead {seriously, that boy is growing into his looks...}.

Dare I?


  1. I'm a fan of most scary movies - I didn't like Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Chainsaw's freak me out. I like the supernatural ones best.

    Daniel looks very dashing in this shot, looking forward to The Woman In Black xo

  2. OMG - just wanted the tralier for the woman in black and had shivers running down my spin!

  3. Oh I remember sneaking out of bed to catch snippets of Friday the 13th that my much bigger sister was watching with her friends. Scared the bejeezus out of me and I really haven't gone back to frightening movies since! gxo

  4. I say do it. And tell me how you go. I'm afraid just thinking about it.

  5. I love scary movies! I agree...when it is finally okay to find "Harry Potter" attractive?!?

  6. Kelly - isn't it?!

    Georgie, yep, sneaking outta bed to watch the scary stuff will do that to you - eep!

    Melissa, ha!

    Shia, I know, right?


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