Wednesday, May 12, 2010

st tropez + chanel = heavenly

Karl's obviously paying homage to Bridget Bardot with these divine lil bikinis. Oh, ooh la la!

dry idea

This transeasonal weather has left my skin so dry, so parched, so damned dehydrated that I contemplated a milk-bath to quench its thirst. However, after finding this image of a women obviously murdered by her milk bath I decided on a shower and a rich slathering of moisturiser instead...

what's cooking wednesday?

So, it's wednesday already and I need to come up with a list of meals for the week. Luckily {I guess} last week we missed a few meals for various reasons so I've got a few of last week's meals set to repeat. Here's the dish:

Thursday: French Lessons - lamb chops, sweet potato fries, almond brocollini
Friday: First night of Alliance Francais Film Festival - so a quick steak, frites and salad
Saturday: Second night of Alliance Francais Film Festival - chicken provencal
Sunday: Final night of Alliance Francais Film Festival - pork rib roast and vegies
Monday: Early game of netball - spaghetti bolognaise
Tuesday: Ballet, followed by a starving child - salmon en papillotte, lemon potatoes, garlic spinach.

Hurrah, Mercury's no longer retrograde. I was superstitious and waited till today to drop my coffee machine off for repairs {if things break down during mercury retrograde why trust a repair during this time?} so hopefully it won't be too long a wait for the repair.

We're out of coffee beans so I'm going to treat myself to a nice coffee at the Silver Spoon cafe before shopping. Then I'll come home, put the slow cooker on and settle down to an afternoon of working before netball training this afternoon. Hopefully this wind'll die down - kids become that extra little bit crazy in the wind don't you think?

What are you eating this week?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

one more day...

I'm not big into astrology, but there are some aspects that can't be ignored - such as Mercury Retrograde. Whenever Mercury is retrograde crap will occur. Electrical items {such as my coffee machine} will break down and communication will be muddled and confused {I swear that lately I can't get a sentence out correctly - and don't even think about trying for an erudite argument at this time...}

So, tomorrow Mercury is no longer retrograde so things shall return to normal. In the meantime I'm doing what I can to prepare. I have a phone interview this afternoon for which I'll write out complete questions - rather than just a dot list of prompts. I'm also trying to pause before saying anything, and getting it straight-ish in my head first.

Also, I'm pretty sure I need this fabulous thing in the photo above - seriously, how much better would life be with such a fabulous 'thing" {see, words fail me - handy when you write for a living...}

Monday, May 10, 2010

a glamorous life

C'est magnifique. A bit of 90s supermodel always perks me up in the afternoon.

grey linen lovelies

These are so cute they are now on my wish list!!! {So says my 10-year-old who just typed over my shoulder!}. And I can't say I blame her. The cool elegance of the grey linen and white almost makes you forget how teeteringly high they are.

I'm all recharged after a gorgeous mother's day yesterday. Wait till I show you some photos of the delicious creations my two loved-ones cooked up for me - bless their socks. They also cleaned and tidied the living room and kitchen which means I've got a deliciously clean slate to start off the week.

Did you enjoy your weekend? What's on the to-do list this week?

Sunday, May 09, 2010

me likey

Sitting here, replete after eating a rolled, butterflied leg of saltbush lamb, stuffed with eshallots and swiss mushrooms and mustard, followed by a chocolate tart, washed down with french champagne {MasterChef meal cooked by darling husband and dearest daughter} I stumbled upon a few shots of Carrie and Big's apartment in Sex and the City 2 {got your tickets yet? I've got mine for June 2 - squeeeeeee}. I'm loving this couch and mirrored table - and the simple muslin curtains in the rear of the shot. Pretty stylish.

happy mothers' day

Hope you're all having a beautiful sunday. I've been spoiled with breakfast in bed {french toast, bacon and a big bowl of cafe au lait...} and now we're off to the market to buy some saltbush lamb for my lovelies to cook for dinner tonight. Enjoy x

Saturday, May 08, 2010

bonne chance

I tend to think we make our own success, but sometimes we need a wee spot of help along the way. This here's for anyone who might just need it today...

Plans? I've got netball shortly - two players are away so we'll be taking the court with only six players - I've worked out my strategy to deal with this, so hopefully we'll still have a good game. This afternoon I'm expecting a last-minute burst of mother's day shopping from certain members of this family - including stocking up on ingredients for a super-yummy breakfast.

Speaking of yummy, boy I have a hankering for the boudin blanc with truffles created on MasterChef last night. Mmmmmm.

Enjoy your day my lovelies, can't wait to hear all about it!

Friday, May 07, 2010

i wanna be a swinger

No, not in the 'keys in the bowl' way, but I would love a hanging chair of some description that I could just kick back in and relax. Can you imagine how blissful this would be? PS am now seriously contemplating painting our boards on the front veranda in this deep charcoal. Mmm.

fabulously friday

Glorious weather at the moment isn't it? I've just returned from a lovely mother's day breakfast at school where we were served a pancake topped with stewed berries - which was rather delish. Tables were set up and clothed in pink and white and it was a rather lovely way to spend a morning.

I had to dash off to do my phone interview - 10 minutes till I need to call, so perhaps I can squish in another coffee first.

So, another weekend is presented to us - what are your plans?

Thursday, May 06, 2010

ditch the diet

Today's No Diet Day so I think it's only appropriate to muse on a few things I read today. Jennifer Aniston's filming a new movie at the moment and, apparently, to get herself "in shape" for it {you know, cos she'd really let herself go before....} she followed the advice of Gwyneth's guru Tracey Anderson. Guess what the theory is? Nope - can't possibly think? It's the baby food diet. Yep, eat 14 servings of pureed baby food and then you can eat a normal meal.


No spices, no oils, no herbs, no flavour. Um, no life.

Next on my 'what the?' list was reading about a US publication and its regular "Bikini Body issue". Yep, they're still doing those. So, apparently a few times this year they've pointed to this reality star's heavy cocaine use. Word is she's not subtle about her love of the white powder and we all know that as well as melting septums, cocaine is an appetite suppressant {for years models have followed the Triple C diet, cigs, cocaine and diet Coke}.

So, after pointing this chick out as a heavy cocaine user what's the next step? Featuring her on the cover with a coverline screaching "How to get Kristen's Bikini Body" {funnily enough exercise and eating in moderation were mentioned - nothing about the blow...}.

We always see these stars with these incredible bodies - but so rarely do we hear about what they go through to get them. Amanda Seyfried recently pointed out that she's always starving, because that's what's expected of an A-lister. Julianne Moore's said the same. Unless you're lucky enough to be on the cast of Mad Men there is an expectation on star's bodies - female and male. They require a lot of time, a lot of energy, and little real food.

But I'm no Hollywood star. I'll eat what I can to stay healthy. I play netball for the love of it, and walk because I know exercise has benefits to my body, mind and wellbeing. But I'll also never say no to a champagne, pork belly or duck confit. If one of my fave puddings are on the menu then I'll eat it without a "Oh, I really shouldn't..." crossing my lips.

Sure, I'm not the size 10 I was in my early 20s, but I'm not hungry all the time either. I'll eat rather than have a cigarette to dampen the hunger. I'm probably healthier, and chances are I'm even fitter. And, as I've said before, a lil padding on the butt means you fill out those wrinkles without the need for botox and fillers.

For No Diet Day let's all just accept our bodies for today. They hold in our organs, help us move around and keep our clothes from falling to the ground. If you want to be healthier then take small steps to doing so, but today take that body of yours on a nice, long walk. Dress it in something that makes you look and feel fabulous and raise a toast to what it's helped you achieve so far.

Love your body - it's the only one you've got.

frock fabulosity

Here are two looks I LOVED from the Met Gala costume ball. Loving how Marion's all covered up, yet looks utterly delicious. This glittery Dior frock hearkens back to another era and shows off her curves rather delightfully. And, that hair! Swoon. {and the bearded, hatted dude behind her is rather cute too non?}

Emma's frock is asymmetrical, and yes, that's one helluva slit up the front, but that's precisely why I love it. And that pleated detailing over the hips is divine. This gal knows how to dress.

sweet, sweet nectar

There are many things I love, but few that I love with such an all-consuming passion as coffee. It wakes me, it warms me, it delights me. At the moment we're checking out holiday homes in Provence and possibly The Lot for our holiday next year - and I must admit, one of the things I'm looking for in the kitchen shots is a coffee machine.

In Paris, that's not so important - everywhere is a mere moment from a café.

This holiday's going to be different to all the rest. On our first holiday I took note of those guidebooks who told me to drink my coffee standing up at a bar, not sitting at the expensive seats out the front. Bah. How can you put a price on people watching in Paris from a lil bistro table with a cafe au lait in front of you?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think my coffee machine is emitting a siren song once again and calling me back for another cup. I can't possibly ignore her call can I?

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

balancing act

I'm trying to remain calm, serene and in-control - but boy, doesn't life sometimes seem to conspire to ensure you don't? Wearing so many hats can be confusing sometimes, every now and again I seem to put on the 'mother' hat when I'm with my husband - leaving him confused and feeling like a 10-year-old... I also try to get out of 'brisk, efficient, freelancer's' hat when I collect my daughter from school - but feel like I need some kind of 'transeasonal beret' to help ease the transition.

I have shopped, unpacked and am getting ready to cook up the chilli con carne for tonight's dinner {I decided on making it in the le crueset rather than the slowcooker}. I'm making it up as I go along, but following Nigella's lead and popping a few squares of Lindt dark chocolate in, and throwing a cinnamon stick in as well.

I've had to try to squish in a phone interview into a very brief window of time. I'm going out for a girly lunch tomorrow for a friend's birthday, so couldn't fit the interview in halfway through that, therefore I'm going to have to leave the school's mother's day breakfast after the croissant, but before the liturgy {whoopsies}. I've tried to make as many as possible, but sometimes, something has to give and I've just got to try to dedicate equal time to varying important tasks.

Seems like so many blogs are pondering big questions at the moment - obviously we're all going through 'stuff'. I'm going to chill now and go dice up my mirepoix for my chilli {onions, celery and carrots} - thank goodness for relaxed cooking, where I can think, chill and just be in the moment.

What's your one saviour?

what's cooking wednesday?

Boy, do I need to go shopping today. There are only two varieties of cereal in my pantry {I normally like to have five or six on the go - love variety} and my gal's going to school with carrot sticks for fruit break {thought a vegie was preferable to slices of lemon which was the only other option...}. After my big fridge clean-out it seems my pantry followed suit and now my cupboard is bare.

Here's what we'll eat this week:

Tonight: Netball training till 5.30 as my netball club are putting on a shooting session from 4.30, so we'll be home late and probably starving. Chilli con carne in the slow cooker will do.
Thursday: French lessons so I leave at 5.30 and get home at 8.30. Hubby can cook steak and vegies and I'll have some toast before I leave and yoghurt and fruit when I get home.
Friday: I keep planning salmon and forgetting to have it. Not this week. Salmon, chipped potatoes and crushed, minted peas - NO MATTER WHAT.
Saturday: Something yummy from the new Provencal cookbook we bought for my husband for his birthday.
Sunday: roast chicken I think - depends on what's on last night's menu
Monday: chorizo pasta bake as I've got an early game of netball.
Tuesday: Salmon patties, mashed pumpkin, wilted spinach and salad.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

for good

Do you have gorgeous things that you save for a truly magnificent event? Or, do you prefer to spice up the everyday with something special? I think every day should be celebrate with a spritz of gorgeous perfume. I think tea tastes nicer in a porcelain cup and saucer. I'm happy to use a cloth tablecloth and napkins every day - they only need a wash and I feel better settling down to a dinner set with something lovely.

The other week we went to my in-laws for a dinner for my father-in-law. When we arrived the table was set with all the cutlery laid out, fresh roses from the garden in vases, silver salt and pepper shakers dotted here and there. It looked lovely. But I didn't think to comment.

When we came home my gal said, "I like Nana. {pause} No, I love Nana. She always goes to the effort to make everything look nice. Like the table, we had two forks, a knife and lots of pretty flowers - it makes everything so special." And it was. I'm glad my gal notices things like that. No matter what the family event the table's always set beautifully and it makes every meal taste nicer and makes you sit up that little bit straighter to enjoy it.

What are you going to do to make your day special?


Over at LifeInAPinkFibro yesterday Allison mused about birthdays past, and also entertained us all with tales of knickerbockers. Seemed we all had a knickerbocker tale to take from our closets. Obviously Pete here took that nostalgia and raised it a notch...

That said, Ashlee's look - I'm liking very much indeed.

The knickerbockers? They can stay in my memory closet - they look better there.

happy birthday to my boy

It's my lovely, lovely husband's birthday today. Hurrah. Pressies are wrapped and ready to go, bacon and eggs in the fridge ready to cook up for breakfast and dinner's booked at our fave restaurant for dinner {hmmmm, duck confit or pork belly?}

I remember one of the first times I'd even seen him was when he was out for his 21st birthday {bless!}. It was my friend's birthday too so we were out doing the rounds of Newcastle's drinking establishments in celebration. As we were walking in to one venue, he was walking out. I noticed his hair first, then his cherry red docs, then his lovely smile. A few months later we finally got together, and by the end of the year we were ready to move in together. Now, here we are so many years later and I've been blessed to spend so many birthdays with such a lovely man.

Joyeux anniversaire mon cheri.

Monday, May 03, 2010

rock on

I'm a very patriotic Aussie. Very. I'll always do what I can to support anything Australian. I'm also nostalgic about the days in my youth I spent hanging out checking out bands in pubs - some of my greatest nights were spent in the mosh pit of Aussie bands such as You Am I, The Hard Ons, Beasts of Bourbon, Tumbleweed, and local bands like Terraplanes, Sponge and The Wash. Ah memories. In my head I'm still that rock chick in her Docs and vintage petticoats. I will also do absolutely anything for my friends and support them no matter what they do.

So, tonight on ABC2 a NEW Aussie TV show will air at 9pm. It's about rock bands playing in the venues of my semi-youth - Newtown, the Annandale etc. It's also directed/produced/co-written by the extremely cool Beth's uber-talented husband Rob - so how can I not only not watch it - but not implore all of you to switch over at 9pm tonight and raise a scotch and dry at the screen. Or vodka tonic - I'm not fussed. Cask moselle? Oh, you're stretching the friendship but feel free. {No fluffy ducks though - that's for girls}.

I Rock - so should you.

PS: not me in the pic...