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Monday, June 28, 2010

meal planning monday

Okay, back on track. I'm starting my meal planning on a Monday again. Makes the week work a little better I think. Last night we had the most magnificent pork loin from the Farmer's Markets. The crackling was the best-ever and the meat was succulent and delish. I served it with some cavalo nero - black tuscan cabbage cooked with some garlic sauteed in butter and olive oil and just enough chicken stock to steam it. My green-veg averse husband actually liked it, and child didn't mind it. So I'll make it again {maybe adding some pancetta to make it even more appealing...}

Tonight: Netball. Chicken curry with cashews, rice and garlic naan.
Tuesday: Osso Bucco {I bought Angus Osso Bucco at the markets - it's so deep red it's almost purple - so must cook it to do it justice. I reckon a couple of hours in a tomato and garlic-rich sauce} served with mash and baby asparagus {also from markets}
Wednesday: We're doing Duck Confit night at III Bean with our duck-loving friends again. Hopefully Alice from Baked Uprising will have a sweet treat to tickle my tastebuds at the end of the meal.
Thursday: French study: no class but my friend and I are headed off to a quiet cafe somewhere to study together. I need all the help I can get with revising! For husband and child, bolognaise pasta bake.
Friday: Baked, glazed salmon, rice and asian greens.
Saturday: Friends for dinner so shall be perusing the French cookbooks for a suitable feast.
Sunday: Roast chicken dinner with veg.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

super-sunny sunday

I must say that it's a helluva lot easier to wake and leap out of bed when blue sky's peeking around the corner of the blinds. It's a gorgeous, glorious day today. Tragically, we'll be spending some/most/all of it putting my tax together. Eep. But I'm also planning on working my way through teetering piles of washing {seriously, that other family that keeps dumping dirty clothing in my washing basket really needs to stop...}

There will also be a section of time allocated to getting out into the wintery sunshine with my gal. A walk to the beach perhaps? How's your Sunday treating you?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

bathing beauties

We've been going through our home lately, room-by-room, working out what we'd like to do in the long-term and the short-term. Generally speaking when our house was restored they did a fabulous job - but I think the bathroom was last on the list and it's starting to show. Our bath's developed a crack, a decent-sized one. So in the short-term we'll try to repair it and use the shower, but in the long-term it means a bathroom renovation is on the cards.

We've only got a smallish bathroom, so we're limited size-wise. But what we'd love is a slipper bath to replace the nasty plastic number that's there at the moment. Luckily we can save a bit as hopefully we'll be able to keep the current white subway tiles that go from floor almost up to the ceiling on all walls - they just need a bit of regrouting in the shower.

It's only in the preliminary stages at the moment - but isn't it great to have plans?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

a gardener's life

Busy morning this morning. Netball game followed by lunch with my in-laws and now we're doing a spot of gardening. Darling husband is out shifting sandstone blocks in the side yard and I'm watering the trees in the backyard and then plan on getting a bit stinky by adding manure to the roses.

The day is utterly glorious - it's a shame not to enjoy it.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

floral fantasies

So far as I'm concerned there is no such thing as too much floral. Flowers make me happy. Inside and outside I need an abundance of blooms. So that's why I think that this weekend we need to make the trek to our favourite nursery in Maitland to buy some flowering plants to fill a couple of gaps in the garden. Or maybe the farmer's markets will be an option.

Now, quick question - how cold is it? Last night I returned home from netball training actually physically chilled to the bone. It took me ages to warm up - despite my home being nice and toasty. Winter's certainly burst into our lives with all the verve and vibrancy of Liza at a gay wedding.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

little lessons

I'm off to my gal's class today to give a writing workshop to a bunch of year five kids. Eek! I've gone along before and it's been fun - let's hope they're open to it today.

I'm starting off with Best Opening Lines in Literature. I think a killer opening line is essential. It's why I always start off my articles by coming up with a great headline, sell and going from there. I can't just start off with the main body of the text - I need context.

So I've got some of my fave lines and we'll be discussing what we can expect from these opening lines - then I'm going to get them to write a paragraph to follow their chosen line. Should be fun.

Afterwards, well I'll be coming back to do a little work, wash my new sheets I bought yesterday {hurrah!} and maybe pop on the Morrocan Meatballs I saw over at frills in the hills.

What are you plans for today?

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

one more sleeeeeeeeeeep

I'm back! Had my zippy trip down and back to Sydney today and got back home in time to take my gal to ballet lessons and fit in a quick shop. I've bought a few items for tomorrow night's Sex and the City 2 pre-movie soiree here - cranberry juice for champagne/cosmo cocktails and pancetta and peas to make risotto {the parfait crowd-pleaser}. We'll be watching the first movie with a cocktail in one hand and risotto in the other, before heading out for a 9pm screening of the new movie. Squeeeeeeee! Now, I just have to decide on which colour nailpolish will go with my cranberry red cocktails - lilac perhaps? Then I once that's settled I can work out the outfit. Decisions, decisions...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

happy weekend

Hey, it's the weekend! How's yours going? Mine started with an early morning confirmation that netball was cancelled due to the damned rain - then back to bed. Oh, yes, back to bed. I haven't had a sleep-in since, oh, I don't know, 2005? And even though it wasn't actual sleep it was lying in a cosy bed while the rain beat down on the tin roof. Bliss.

Council clean-up this weekend so we're taking out some stuff, and I'm averting my eyes when we drive past piles. I'm so determined to get rid of stuff and not bring anything new in, unless it's to replace something that's going out.

After a cozy start to the morning with porridge and a latte, I feel ready for anything.

What's on your to-do list this weekend?

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Oh, some weeks everything just flies out the window doesn't it? Today's the third day I've had my gal home from school. She only has a cold, but today's the sports carnival at the world's coldest and windiest sports ground so I'd prefer she stayed home to recover rather than developing a chest infection. So today, I think we'd best bake a cake. My articles are coming along nicely for my deadlines, I've finished tonight's French homework {AND I've done revision - thank you French Film Festival inspiration}.

The house, is a disaster. Floors are spattered with coffee and hot chocolate dribbles - I swear every hot drink this week has been spilt a little. Washing's slowly trying to dry in the pavillion, sheets are in need of washing - as are towels. But it's cold, and rainy, and these things just take time. My saviour is my meal planning. Even though last night I couldn't get to the butcher {bucketing rain} I had the makings for tonight's meal, chorizo pasta bake, so all was well.

It's easy to get all stressed and frantic when things don't go according to plan, but I'm just trying to chill, shrug my shoulders and get on with it. I'm going to wash my hair and let my gal play on the computer - then I'll give the floor a mop {little sickie gal vacuumed yesterday - bless her socks}. Clean hair and clean floors make everything look better don't they?

Friday, April 09, 2010

getting comfy

Happy friday everyone! I'm taking my gal and her pal to the movies this morning - Nanny McPhee and the big bang {think I'm more excited about it than they are - adore Emma Thompson}. Then we'll have lunch at The Silver Teapot in The Junction where they serve Campos coffee and, as my daughter breathlessly informed me the other day - avocado and lime on sourdough {a few of her favourite things.}

I also have to squeeze in a business meeting about some new work, when husband will be dashing home to look after girls while I discuss website copy {I know!}.

Tomorrow I've got to spend the day preparing for my reunion, oh, who am I kidding - I get ready in 15 minutes... We're actually having some friends over for drinks in the afternoon {just the one for me, can't be all "I love YOuuuuuuuuuuuu" as soon as I walk into my reunion...} We've got one of our friends introducing us to the love of his life and I can't wait to meet her. He's such an amazing guy who, despite being a good 10 years younger than us, knows what he wants and where he wants to be. Husband spent the night last night cleaning the pavillion so we'll have drinks and nibbles by the pool before they all go down to the pub by the beach before heading out to dinner.

Sunday I'm off to check out some Roller Derby action {yep MadMother, I am!}, which thankfully will be in the afternoon when any semblance of a hangover has abated. Busy - but fun. You?

Friday, April 02, 2010

bathing beauty

Spend a lil bit of time this weekend doing something especially for you. Whether it's soaking in a rose-scented tub, painting your toenails a pretty hue, or striding out somewhere special - enjoy.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

blue hues

Well, I enjoyed my girly night at home, although, as expected I did wake a few times to strange "oh my god, is someone breaking in?" noises. {Which were, of course, possums, wind, branches scraping across the tin roof - the usual...}

I ended up getting malaysian takeaway for dinner, in a wee box - things taste better in wee boxes don't you think? The DVD store nearly did my head in. I found Marie Antoinette - but every single other film I wanted to see was out {No Colin Firth - NONE}. So instead I hired Julie & Julia and still adored it on second viewing.

Now I'm waiting for my gal and her bestie to be dropped home. We'll have a girly day today and may do some baking {perhaps that cake I featured a few days ago hmmmmm?} My gal's bestie's parents are off to AC/DC tonight so I jumped at the option to have her stay with us {I'd adopt her if I could - such a sweet child}.

I've also got a few chores to potter on to. You know, washing etc. We might make a trip into the new markets in the mall today - apparently one of the stalls is selling goat meat - surely I could make a curry from that? I also have a bucketload of French homework to get on with {PS do you know that I now cannot look at any word without giving it a French pronunciation! Luckily I'm just doing it in my head...}

Enjoy your weekend. I hope you're being blessed with skies as blue as the ones I spy from my window.
* Lordy, just realised that this is my 100th post for this year. Do I ever shut up?

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

minimalist? moi?

No matter how much I declutter, tidy, clean and purge I'll never be a minimalist. I need something to show a room's lived-in. This room here is pretty, but it makes me kinda nervous. I'd need to shower before sitting on those pristine white covers, and then I'm sure I'd leave grotty wrinkles when I stood up... For me, minimalist doesn't equal zen - it just makes me think of cleaning. And I've got far more important things to think about than cleaning...

Friday, February 05, 2010

happy weekend

With the minute-hand creeping ever-closer to champagne o'clock it really feels like the weekend doesn't it? I'd like to spend a little time tidying my study this weekend. This year I'd love to have some floor-to-ceiling bookshelves installed, but until that beloved moment arrives I might settle for a good tidy and throw out.

I've spent the day cleansing in preparation for tonight's dinner - tuna salad sandwich for lunch, a ramekin of watermelon for afternoon tea... I want myself to be prepared for a real gastronomic experience. Please let there be pork or duck on the menu - or should I go for something completely different? You know me, always up for a new experience.

How about you and what you've got on for the weekend?

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

order in the house

When you work from home the toughest thing is ignoring the state of the house and settling in to do work without distractions. Ordinarily I can achieve that, but today, erk. I can hear next door's cleaner working away getting their house all clean and shiny and even though I'm locked in the study I can feel how messy my own house is. Hubby's working on a project so has piles of paper around the living room, rainy days have meant the washing's in teetering mountain-like structures and too much relaxing on the weekend means that stuff that needed to get done just didn't.

So rather than sitting here letting it bug me, I'm going to get up and put in 55 minutes-worth of serious cleaning and tidying. Then I can sit down and revel in my clean workspace and get stuff done.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

simply sunday

The last two nights we've had torrential downpours while we've slept - which means that today, a mild, sunny 25 degrees, is the perfect gardening day. We're going to top up some soil in the planter boxes out by the pool, mulch and fertilise.

What have you got planned for this summery sunday?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

edge of normality

Back to school today and how blissful that is. I've loved the school holidays, but am so thankful to return to reality. I like having my days laid out in an orderly manner.

One very excited child packed her bag for school this morning. I was tres organised and had servings of home-made pikelets ready to go in the freezer {we made Nigella's american breakfast pancakes on Tuesday and with the leftovers I made a week's worth of pikelets - too easy} and last night I made a batch of mini quiches {potato and chorizo - as per my gal's request}. When the requisite first day of hairstyle was done {high plaits were called for "as neat as school photo day" was the request} one shiny shoed and beaming gal trotted off to school.


So I've got a story to work on, a desktop on my computer to clean up and coffee to be consumed. Tonight we're having panko/gremolata crumbed pork cutlets for dinner and I'm already salivating. They're dead easy - chop flat-leaf parsley, the zest of one lemon and a garlic clove or two together to make gremolata and then mix that with equal parts of panko breadcrumbs. Dip pork cutlets {smooshed with a meat mallet - or rolling pin in my case - so they're thin enough to cook through evenly} in beaten egg that's been seasoned with salt and pepper then press the panko gremolata mix into them evenly. Shallow fry in olive oil and butter mix until golden brown {finish off in a 180 degree oven for five mins if you're not sure about their doneness}. Serve to a fawning audience with a red cabbage and almond coleslaw {yoghurt, garlic and lemon dressing - yum}.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

happy weekend

We're driving the English relatives to the airport today. Much tears will be shed. At least we've got our trip next year to look forward to.

What about you? What are your plans for the weekend? Hopefully lots of rest interspersed with plenty of fun!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

schleeepy head

We had friends for dinner last night - much champagne and rich food was consumed. Hence, I'd quite like to be curled up in a bed as inviting as this. However, instead, I'm taking two girls out for the day - they're tossing up between a movie {Princess and the Frog - not, thank goodness that awful Alvin and the Chipmonks - squeaking and my present foggy head would not be a pretty match} or bowling.

Only one week left of these school holidays - I don't know how the Americans cope with a whole summer off. Summer school perhaps?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

seriously sunday

I know it's a sunny sunday, but I'll be sitting at my desk doing a wee spot of work today. Just a couple of hours - enough to finish off the draft of an article due next week. Husband and daughter are off to spend a bit of her shopping money at Westfield {after she'd put aside a third of it for Haiti - bless}. Then our gal's off for a sleepover at her grandparents tonight with four of her girly cousins so tomorrow will be quiet and perfect for getting stuff done.

Later this afternoon I might pop out into the garden and give the roses a summer prune and a feed, they're suffering from the crazy Aussie summer weather {hot, then cold, then rainy, then blistering...}

Tonight I'm hoping to convince my husband to get out to the cinema. I've got a Sherlock Holmes craving that can only be satisfied with a spot of RDJ...

Enjoy your Sunday x