Thursday, May 06, 2010

sweet, sweet nectar

There are many things I love, but few that I love with such an all-consuming passion as coffee. It wakes me, it warms me, it delights me. At the moment we're checking out holiday homes in Provence and possibly The Lot for our holiday next year - and I must admit, one of the things I'm looking for in the kitchen shots is a coffee machine.

In Paris, that's not so important - everywhere is a mere moment from a café.

This holiday's going to be different to all the rest. On our first holiday I took note of those guidebooks who told me to drink my coffee standing up at a bar, not sitting at the expensive seats out the front. Bah. How can you put a price on people watching in Paris from a lil bistro table with a cafe au lait in front of you?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think my coffee machine is emitting a siren song once again and calling me back for another cup. I can't possibly ignore her call can I?

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

balancing act

I'm trying to remain calm, serene and in-control - but boy, doesn't life sometimes seem to conspire to ensure you don't? Wearing so many hats can be confusing sometimes, every now and again I seem to put on the 'mother' hat when I'm with my husband - leaving him confused and feeling like a 10-year-old... I also try to get out of 'brisk, efficient, freelancer's' hat when I collect my daughter from school - but feel like I need some kind of 'transeasonal beret' to help ease the transition.

I have shopped, unpacked and am getting ready to cook up the chilli con carne for tonight's dinner {I decided on making it in the le crueset rather than the slowcooker}. I'm making it up as I go along, but following Nigella's lead and popping a few squares of Lindt dark chocolate in, and throwing a cinnamon stick in as well.

I've had to try to squish in a phone interview into a very brief window of time. I'm going out for a girly lunch tomorrow for a friend's birthday, so couldn't fit the interview in halfway through that, therefore I'm going to have to leave the school's mother's day breakfast after the croissant, but before the liturgy {whoopsies}. I've tried to make as many as possible, but sometimes, something has to give and I've just got to try to dedicate equal time to varying important tasks.

Seems like so many blogs are pondering big questions at the moment - obviously we're all going through 'stuff'. I'm going to chill now and go dice up my mirepoix for my chilli {onions, celery and carrots} - thank goodness for relaxed cooking, where I can think, chill and just be in the moment.

What's your one saviour?

what's cooking wednesday?

Boy, do I need to go shopping today. There are only two varieties of cereal in my pantry {I normally like to have five or six on the go - love variety} and my gal's going to school with carrot sticks for fruit break {thought a vegie was preferable to slices of lemon which was the only other option...}. After my big fridge clean-out it seems my pantry followed suit and now my cupboard is bare.

Here's what we'll eat this week:

Tonight: Netball training till 5.30 as my netball club are putting on a shooting session from 4.30, so we'll be home late and probably starving. Chilli con carne in the slow cooker will do.
Thursday: French lessons so I leave at 5.30 and get home at 8.30. Hubby can cook steak and vegies and I'll have some toast before I leave and yoghurt and fruit when I get home.
Friday: I keep planning salmon and forgetting to have it. Not this week. Salmon, chipped potatoes and crushed, minted peas - NO MATTER WHAT.
Saturday: Something yummy from the new Provencal cookbook we bought for my husband for his birthday.
Sunday: roast chicken I think - depends on what's on last night's menu
Monday: chorizo pasta bake as I've got an early game of netball.
Tuesday: Salmon patties, mashed pumpkin, wilted spinach and salad.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

for good

Do you have gorgeous things that you save for a truly magnificent event? Or, do you prefer to spice up the everyday with something special? I think every day should be celebrate with a spritz of gorgeous perfume. I think tea tastes nicer in a porcelain cup and saucer. I'm happy to use a cloth tablecloth and napkins every day - they only need a wash and I feel better settling down to a dinner set with something lovely.

The other week we went to my in-laws for a dinner for my father-in-law. When we arrived the table was set with all the cutlery laid out, fresh roses from the garden in vases, silver salt and pepper shakers dotted here and there. It looked lovely. But I didn't think to comment.

When we came home my gal said, "I like Nana. {pause} No, I love Nana. She always goes to the effort to make everything look nice. Like the table, we had two forks, a knife and lots of pretty flowers - it makes everything so special." And it was. I'm glad my gal notices things like that. No matter what the family event the table's always set beautifully and it makes every meal taste nicer and makes you sit up that little bit straighter to enjoy it.

What are you going to do to make your day special?


Over at LifeInAPinkFibro yesterday Allison mused about birthdays past, and also entertained us all with tales of knickerbockers. Seemed we all had a knickerbocker tale to take from our closets. Obviously Pete here took that nostalgia and raised it a notch...

That said, Ashlee's look - I'm liking very much indeed.

The knickerbockers? They can stay in my memory closet - they look better there.

happy birthday to my boy

It's my lovely, lovely husband's birthday today. Hurrah. Pressies are wrapped and ready to go, bacon and eggs in the fridge ready to cook up for breakfast and dinner's booked at our fave restaurant for dinner {hmmmm, duck confit or pork belly?}

I remember one of the first times I'd even seen him was when he was out for his 21st birthday {bless!}. It was my friend's birthday too so we were out doing the rounds of Newcastle's drinking establishments in celebration. As we were walking in to one venue, he was walking out. I noticed his hair first, then his cherry red docs, then his lovely smile. A few months later we finally got together, and by the end of the year we were ready to move in together. Now, here we are so many years later and I've been blessed to spend so many birthdays with such a lovely man.

Joyeux anniversaire mon cheri.

Monday, May 03, 2010

rock on

I'm a very patriotic Aussie. Very. I'll always do what I can to support anything Australian. I'm also nostalgic about the days in my youth I spent hanging out checking out bands in pubs - some of my greatest nights were spent in the mosh pit of Aussie bands such as You Am I, The Hard Ons, Beasts of Bourbon, Tumbleweed, and local bands like Terraplanes, Sponge and The Wash. Ah memories. In my head I'm still that rock chick in her Docs and vintage petticoats. I will also do absolutely anything for my friends and support them no matter what they do.

So, tonight on ABC2 a NEW Aussie TV show will air at 9pm. It's about rock bands playing in the venues of my semi-youth - Newtown, the Annandale etc. It's also directed/produced/co-written by the extremely cool Beth's uber-talented husband Rob - so how can I not only not watch it - but not implore all of you to switch over at 9pm tonight and raise a scotch and dry at the screen. Or vodka tonic - I'm not fussed. Cask moselle? Oh, you're stretching the friendship but feel free. {No fluffy ducks though - that's for girls}.

I Rock - so should you.

PS: not me in the pic...

perfectly pretty

Yesterday we went shopping for shoes for my husband's birthday and when we were in Aldo I managed to restrain myself and only try on one pretty pair of Mary Janes {you know, because it was his birthday - I can't make it all about me}. But believe me, I'll be going back before mother's day to slip a few pairs on. Look at this pair of perfectly precious jade beauties. I'm in love...

Off to canteen this morning - wish me luck!

Sunday, May 02, 2010

just do it

Today was a damned fine day to get a buttload of stuff out of the way. So far this weekend I've ticked off some awful jobs that taunted me when I couldn't do anything about it. The overflowing recycling bin is now emptied into the big bin, ready for collection tomorrow. Now I don't have to trip over the overflow everytime I walked into the pantry. Also, yesterday I gave my fridge a long, long, long overdue clean-out. And oh boy, it was Nasty. Shelves are now scrubbed, loads of stuff tossed, jars soaking and ready for reuse {five jars of leftover home made salad dressing were on one shelf - who does that?}.

We tackled the big shopping centre and managed to buy the last few pressies for my lovely man's birthday on Tuesday {shoes, he needed to try on} and bought our gal the cutest outfit in the world from my new fave kids store - Gumboots. Then a lovely bagel lunch at Sprocket - one of my new fave cafes - then finishing off some washing and tidying the kitchen. The house is finally looking more homely.

Lovely husband's out painting the front fence - in the waning sunset-infused light. As predicted the fog did herald a gorgeous day. And from my perch on the hill I can look out over the suburb and see the most glorious hot peach tinted sky. Bliss.

Tomorrow I'm on canteen which lets me off the lunch-making duty as canteen day is always a lunch-order day. Then I'll drop off the coffee machine for repairs and come home to finish off and send another article. The to-do list is looking a little better - and boy, that makes me one happy chappy.

sunny sunday

We woke to a gloriously foggy morning - which always heralds a beautiful day. My gal and four of her teammates and a few other friends, are down at the netball clinic for the day and my main man and I are off shopping. The afternoon will be topped off with a walk by the beach - surely it'll be a glorious sunset.

Enjoy your Sunday - hope you do something fabulous.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

day one

One thing I am very, very remiss at is responding to and passing on awards. Honestly, it's beyond embarrassing. Which is why, when I was over at Corinne's I noticed I'd be tagged and thought I'd best play - before I forgot what the game was about. My first post was on February 8 2008 - wow, long time huh. I loved reading blogs, but couldn't imagine writing one myself. Now, I can't imagine not writing one.

Blogging has introduced me to a whole range of new friends. I feel like I know some of my blog friends better than some of my real life friends - mainly because there's such startling honesty on so many blogs - and there's no need for me to ask questions {because I do it for a living, I'm hopeless at asking questions in real life - but I'm trying to get better...}

Here's my first post - a list of things I adore and those I abhor. Nothing much has changed in that time. Although there's probably a few things I'd add to both lists - I'll get back to you on that.

Would you like to play? Please join in. Corinne's tagged a few friends I'd like to see, but I'm also keen to hear from Darnonymous, Kakka, Rhiana, Sara Rose {in the hope her fabulous blog will become public again - pretty please!}, Kate, and anyone else who'd be keen {as I said, some of you have already participated - and boy, it's been fun.}

Now, my first post...

Feb 8, 2008


starting a blog is far more terrifying than writing any article. so i thought the best way to start is with a 'getting to know you (me)' list...
i adore:
coffee in a bowl
peonies, roses and violets
giggling with my fabulous friends
slow-cooked food
creating scrummy meals for friends
my hubby and gorgeous girl

i abhor:
too much rain
4WD owners with an 'i'm more important than you' attitude
people who've been hit with the negative stick

it's raining, but not pouring

After it bucketed down last night the rain managed to hold off for my gals' netball game today. And what a game. Seriously, I can't believe how impressed I am with a team. Each week every single player improves and puts in a little bit more. Today, they were on fire. We won with an impressive score of 23 to 16 - with one of our shooters scoring 20 of those goals - legend.

I love watching their confidence grow and seeing them put skills they learn in training into action. Honestly, I should have to pay for having this experience. Now that I've coached for a year I feel I've got my head in the right place. Last year I was so concerned about being 'fair' and not considered one of those 'netball mums' that I stepped back a little. But this year I know what the girls need and feel confident I can give it to them.

My husband's off to play in his second golf comp today, bless his socks. My gal's currently showing her grandmother her skills on the Wii fit and I'm contemplating the rest of my day. Tomorrow there's a full-day netball skills clinic - so my gal will be going to that - leaving my husband and I free to do a little bit of shopping for his birthday - and maybe just a little bumming around.

There are markets on down the road, perhaps a wander down to The Junction is in order. You?

Friday, April 30, 2010

flirty friday

Oh, it's a glorious day outside. Utterly magical. I'm now completely besotted with this season: cold enough for flannelette pjs at night, warm enough for short sleeves and long walks during the day. Bliss.

I had a bit of a whizzy this week about the state of various things: a pile of recycling that threatened to take over the world, piles of washing that would vie with the recycling for supremacy, family things that needed to be attended to, my husband's impending birthday, handing an emotional-just-because-she's-10 gal, a cat with an expensive weeping eye {and now the need to apply eye cream four times a day - yeah, that'll happen without tears} and far too many tears on MasterChef {I love a good blub - but seriously, edit some of the tears out!}.

But now the recycling's in the outside bin where it belongs, I've started to clean out the fridge, and the sheets are in the wash, with another load to follow {two a day, that's my aim - and has been for the past three days}. I've bought all but one of my husband's pressies for his birthday on Tuesday, have a meal planned, am calmly dealing with child {having been there, done that, sobbed about the choice of t-shirt on offer} and have agreed to hold cat while husband applies said cream. As for MasterChef, well, hopefully the editors will listen to the pleas on twitter, facebook and reality ravings and show some cooking instead of reformatting the show as MasterSook.

I also wish I was out riding a pretty pistachio green bike around the streets today - but that's not going to happen. Instead I'll finish off the article that's due this afternoon and keep plodding away getting this house in order. I'm also going to make up a to-do list so I can cross off all the things I've already done {like my netball game plan for tomorrow with all positions and substitutions accounted for - yay!}.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

go sandra

I love Sandra Bullock. Always have, and now, always will. She kept a dignified silence for months after that sleaze of a husband betrayed her in such an awful manner, and now she's revealed that before all that - she adopted this absolutely beautiful boy. Yep, before the Oscar, before the breakdown Sandra {and her soon-to-be-ex} adopted this bundle of cute. I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

wacky and wonderful

You know who I love? Juliette Lewis {obviously, you know, with the image I've posted and all}. But see, I always forget that I love her until I discover her afresh. On Sunday, because I was angry with myself for having a migraine and missing the Roller Derby bout, I watched Whip It - the Drew Barrymore directed film that included plenty of roller derby - and not enough Juliette Lewis. Although her semi-limited screen time was understandable because she was just so freaking awesome that anyone else who appeared alongside her tended to just fade away. And then, for the next five minutes I'd sit there thinking, "Man, is that Juliette Lewis awesome. How can I forget that I love her" and realise that I'd missed a crucial plot point {although not the underwater love scene - that was COOL}.

There's nothing better than rediscovering lost loves. Because my short-term memory is somewhat porous, I tend to find things anew quite regularly. And it's a joyful experience. Like lemons, I know I love lemons, but still, every time I taste one I'm suffused with joy. I truly believe there is nothing that is not improved without the addition of lemons. This morning I nearly ruined my keyboard reading about lemon, thyme and honey tarts at baked uprising. I can't imagine a better conclusion to an autumnal meal of meatballs {which, unsurprisingly, is on the menu at our house tonight - veal meatballs with orange zest and made with day-old bread soaked in milk simmered in a rich tomato sauce}. My dad and step-mother have trekked down from Queensland and are arriving sometime later today - so I can't get over to the III Bean meatball night in Hamilton - I'll just have to create it here.

Okay, I'm off for a quick walk to the beach. I drove past this morning when dropping the car off for a service and it's spectacularly beautiful. Enjoy your day - what've you got planned?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

ode to a cobbler

Getting dressed for my coffee morning was so much easier this morning as my favourite shoes have been resurrected. They were dead, which saddened me immensely as good mary janes with a wee heel are nary impossible to find. I found these in a wee shop in Surry Hills one day as I was trekking up the hill to Fifi Foveaux for lunch. They called my name these samples, particularly as there was only one pair - and they were a size 37 - my size!

I call these my Chanel shoes, because they're oh-so-reminiscent of something Coco would create. Today I matched them with black opaques, a pencil skirt, black and white stripey tee and a black cardi. So french. A smearing of grey eyeshadow around my eyes and I was ready for anything.

Hurrah for my friend Ms M's cobbler who for $40 resoled my beauties and have given me another couple of seasons with my one true love. Good shoes - what would we do without them?

ta-da tuesday

Morning all. I'm off to catch up for coffee with my best friend from school where we'll finally get to do a run-down from the school reunion. I know! It's frosty this morning 13 degrees, so I'm still tossing up what to wear. Oh, did I mention our tragedy? Our coffee machine is on the fritz and I'm beside myself. It's only 18 months old - but it does have a five year warranty on the pump {hopefully the pump is what actually drives the steam}. It still makes the espresso - but no milk so when I want a latte I need to use the microwave {quelle horreur}.

Now, we must get together soon and discuss MasterChef. I'm loving some of this year's contestants and think the standard of cooking seems higher. So, later today perhaps?

Monday, April 26, 2010

m.i.a. monday

Sorry everyone - I've been out of action. That nap I needed turned into a two-day migraine that kept me grounded for the weekend. Sigh. At least I've kept track of dates and turns out that my migraines turn up when I relax after a busy spell, exactly seven days after the onset of my period. So it's hormonal and stress-induced. Noice. Now at least I know what to tell the doctor when I visit...

So, for a giggle, here are some Jaws-inspired Louboutins - a bit of fabulosity for a holiday monday. Enjoy - and have a great week.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

and so to bed...

Hey all. Whew, think all this work and play has finally caught up with me. I could do with a nana-nap of Rip Van Winkle proportions. Had a fab night at cocktails last night. Chatted, laughed and drank rather yummy cosmopolitans. Then it was off to dinner where I enjoyed a squid stuffed with chorizo followed by spatchcock {I resisted the pork belly in order to try something new...}. This morning was netball umpiring followed by the game. We played one of the best teams in the comp and my girls played valiantly, but were defeated.

Then I went off to shop and lunch with my best pal who's up from Sydney. We had delicious bagels at a cafe I've seen mentioned on Twitter {still don't understand twitter - but damn it's useful}. Now it's 3pm and I need a sneaky sleep before hitting the roller derby bout. Can I sleep while three gals are dancing along with the Wii? Pretty sure I can give it my best shot.

Friday, April 23, 2010

gold rush

So, here I am, pondering exactly which shade of nailpolish will co-ordinate nicely with my cocktails this evening {what? Doesn't everyone?} when over on twitter are nice enough to direct me to Chanel's new shades. And oh, I do like this a lot. C'est tragique but I cut my nails way too short for Monday night's netball to do this utterly glorious version of the French Manicure - but oh, it'll be stored away for future events don't you worry. But I think I'm a bit in love with the eyes. Gold dusted lids with a cats-eye could be the ultimate cocktail look don't you think?