Some people give great interview. They're obviously enthusiastic about what they do and immerse themselves in the latest research on the topic. When they are interviewed they're keen to infuse others with their enthusiasm. These people make my life so much easier.
One of these people is Dr Happy - Dr Tim Sharp from the Happiness Institute. He's an amazing person. He loves what he does, loves it, and if you can walk away from a chat with him without feeling enthusiastic, optimistic and full of joy - well, obviously you're dead {sorry, caught a snippet of Weekend at Bernie's last night - tee hee}.
Over the years I realised that I've been following the advice of these amazing people. It's made me feel pretty chuffed that I am, really, quite a happy person. I have my down days, but as even Dr Happy would say, we need these to balance out the good. We have to recognise happiness - sometimes by contrasting it with sadness. Perhaps that's why I'm such a sook. I'll tear up at anything, commercials, photographs, blog posts - it's probably my way of balancing out the happiness. An even, uneventful life with no peaks or troughs would be dead-dull. But a life where there are giggles and guffaws and lots of smiling at strangers is a life well-lived.
What are you going to do today to make yourself happy? Me? I'm taking my gal to have her plaster removed which will make her ecstatic {and me too!} I'm making a tart au citron for pudding for tonight's dinner with friends and I'm cooking up Julia Child's Beef Bourguinon for tomorrow night's dinner {so it's got an extra day for the flavour to infuse - although it's so delicious maybe all our tastebuds will die and go to heaven..}
Enjoy your day!