My husband's ploughing on with work on the side yard. We've rented a skip and it's sitting out the front ready to take away all the clay and excess dirt he's excavated. Poor poppet has a weekend of shovelling and barrowing ahead of him - better than any gym workout!
Tonight we're off to my in-laws for dinner. A lovely home-cooked roast dinner is just what we need to start the weekend off nicely. I'll be spending time with my gal, doing some work and getting the house in order after a week of activity. I'll also try to not be sad about Sandra Bullock and that cheating husband of hers. I've always wanted to be her best friend, but now even more so as I'll bet she needs a good hug and a pair of ears to cry to. So. Damned. Sad.
Oh, on the good news front I think I'm finally hitting my strides with my French. Last night we had to string a sentence together with adjectives and vowels and nouns and use the correct gender and tense throughout and I did it! I've followed Sara Rose's advice and just tried to immerse myself in the language - if I see something, I translate it to French. I also sat down and wrote out all the bits and pieces I've been having trouble with, learned it, and then wrote little sentences including the info to help it sink it. Only two more weeks and then term 1 is finished - then a three week break and I'll be back into term 2. I'm feeling more and more positive that I'll be confidently speaking the language when we hit French soil in July next year.
What are you plans for the weekend? Fun?