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Friday, March 12, 2010

to do, do, do, do, do

I seem to be having some timing issues at the moment. I've got a lot of work on which is absolutely fantastic. Because I'm one of those rare individuals who loves their work I refuse to complain no matter how bogged down I become. I also refuse to turn down work {unless I'm asked to write something I'm actually opposed to - which hasn't happened yet}. So aside from my 9.30 to 10.30pm viewing of MasterChef: The Professionals {which I love, love, love and will die when it finishes tonight} I'm pretty much just working and mothering, with the odd spot of wifing thrown in {not a word - but you know what I mean - being a wife...}

So of course, there are things that fall to the wayside. My walking for one. Sure, it's been raining, but that's no excuse for not getting out - they have invented umbrellas. And yes, I have had a bad back lately - but that's probably because I'm sitting all day and most of the night at my desk and I'm not walking! And last night at French lessons my teacher told me I need to study more {my irregular and regular verbs, and the old - I have, you have, they have, we have...} Now, this I am studying, but boy, does it not want to stick in my head. I've never been one who excels or even is adequate at rote learning or memorising. The subjects I've always aced are creative subjects - not ones that require me to memorise facts. So while I was able to tranlate a whole batch of text about buying a train ticket to Brussels - I can't remember how to say the masculine version of they have...

Now I'm going to make myself up a new to-do list. It's going to include some creative study time for french - where I'm going to make myself write little french sentences using all those phrases I can't understand. Then I'm going to block in 30 minutes for a walk along the beach. Oh, and it'll also include time to do all this work - but will also involve me getting off my seat every hour so my butt doesn't fuse to the chair. That can't be attractive!