Monday, November 28, 2011

sweetie! darling! sneaky peeky!

Okay, apparently they're screening on ABC1 early in the New Year: see here for more details {squeeeaaaaallllllll!}


  1. Lol! "Looks as though your jeans have exploded." Classic. Oh Ab Fab is such a guilty little pleasure.

  2. I seriously cannot wait for this!

  3. Oh! oh! oh! Can't wait!

  4. yes yes yes! love it!
    i used to have this customer at work that would call me ma'am or madam. i often felt like telling him it was madamoiselle, patsy style :D
    can't wait!!

  5. I read this yesterday and posted to my Facebook page... I LOVE Ab Fab and shall be watching on the BBC :D

  6. Aaaaaah! I live in the UK so I *should* be clued up on all of this but you are now my televisual barometer from Down Under! SO. EXCITED! Thank you for flagging all of these up for us! x


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