Thursday, November 10, 2011

planes, trains and automobiles...

Well, that was a busy few days - with a lot of transportation thrown into the mix. Sadly, no pretty little cars like these beauties spotted in the beachside town of Cassis in France {pretty town - home of my fave champagne-additive!}. There were issues when a thunderstorm hit Melbourne airport, which meant I didn't limp home till midnight last night - and then I drove down to Sydney today... But it was all good.

You know how somedays you just think, you know what? My job's pretty darned amazing? Well I had one of those days. I was inspired by two incredible women that I work for - and feel so energised and enthused that even all this travel hasn't sapped my desire to get things done. I also got to meet some really lovely people and feel some rooms so optimistic and inspired that it's hard not to get a bit of a glow on.

Tomorrow's going to be a busy day - but I'll be busy with a smile on my face.


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