Saturday, April 09, 2011

sunny saturday!

Oh, there's a blue sky outside, birds are singing away and I've got a BIG day planned. Netball first, with two of my girls umpiring. Now, I don't know if you've ever been anywhere near a netball game, but let me tell you - there are times when umpires aren't treated with the utmost of respect. Mine will be. I'll be there, and my co-coach will be there, to make sure these 11-year-olds who are umpiring a game of 9-year-olds receive nothing but encouragement and respect from those on the court and the sideline. It's something I've drummed into my girls when I first started coaching - and should be the first thing ever coach insists on.

Then it's our second game of the season before the school holiday break {oh, school holidays... so long...}

This afternoon I'm attempting not to be a helicopter parent, and am letting my gal fly. She's off to see the new Justin B**ber movie with 15 girls from her school - and they're going in alone. Yep. I'm nervous, but the parents who are driving will be right beside the theatre, in a café - and there are a lot of responsible girls there - my own included. I think the only problem will be the assault to the ears of the patrons in the cinema when the Beebs walks on screen, cue to much squealing.

Wow, they grow up so fast. Parenting's such a fine balance of knowing when to hold them back, when to hold them, and when to let them go. Wish me luck - and remind me to breathe...


  1. Yep, you've hit the nail on the head there! 11 is a really different age, isn't it? I'm finding it abit of a tightrope balance to holding on, letting go and holding back. Lovely but tricky.


  2. Couldn't agree with Kim H more. I'm treading that exact tricky tightrope with my 11 yr old too. I'm sure it all went well. Have a great weekend and enjoy the holidays. alison x

  3. Hope it all went well, I am sure your lovely lass enjoyed the movie and I hope you did remember to breathe - scary stuff this motherhood gig.


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