Monday, February 28, 2011

that's better...

There are some things in life that you just need to do - and girly catch-ups are one of them. After an incredibly fabulous weekend {it's okay, this is my final mention...} I feel so refreshed and so much happier.

I still continue to be amazed at how much you can have in common with people you meet via blogging. Although really, it makes total sense. Reading blogs is the best insight into so many aspects of a person - it's much easier to get a complete picture of a blogger than someone who meet up with every now and again in real life.

I'm so happy I started blogging three years ago - and that you guys started blogging as well. It's given me the opportunity to 'meet' some amazing people.

So, hands-up who's up for the next catch-up?


Comments make me SO happy. Thank you for taking the time to share the love x