Friday, February 25, 2011

house work

I've written a lot of articles over the years about organisation, staying stress-free, finding focus etc and I do try to always put some of the advice the experts have offered into action. It doesn't always work of course - so many times I find myself on auto-pilot just doing the craziest of things. But I'm not letting it bother me, I'm just going to give myself a firm talking to - and get back on track.

I have been busy lately, more so than I've ever been. And yet, things are going okay. We've eaten tasty, healthy meals, my daughter's been organised for school and the house is decent enough - not fabulous - but decent enough. You know, floors are clean, so are sheets, towels, surfaces etc...

My new aim is to treat any cleaning like I would any work. Allocate time to it and do it one task at a time. I'm also doing that with exercise. On the days my husband doesn't ride his bike {those very, very rare days...} I'm going to get up early and go for a walk or a ride. I did it this morning and feel just fabulous.

I'm prioritising health, happiness and getting this done. That sounds like a plan doesn't it?


  1. That sounds like a good plan to me. I think you're doing a great job!

  2. If you read my blog you will know that me & housework are NOT friends!
    I HATE doing housework....
    you can imagine that in my house of 5 young boys that it is NEVER EVER done....
    and no sooner do I think I have finished than there is some other catastrophic junk heap that needs my attention!
    I guess it is the notion of it never being finished that I hate.
    Yesterday I gave away my number one tip to staying sane as a busy mumma to a friend of mine who is a new mumma for the first time....
    Good Luck with your new approach!

  3. It sounds like a great plan. Now can you just keep dropping by and remind me to get organised too?


  4. lovely plan!

    i would love to read your articles on organisation...I am doing all i can to become a better planner/organizer as it does not come naturally to me

    I am getting better and it sounds to me that you are doing a wonderful job!


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