Wednesday, March 21, 2012

so much awesome

Hubby and I went here for a date. Cute huh? How much do you love this wall of awesome? Must admit, I had most of these albums as a youngster...

Hubby ate this sandwich of awesome.

I ate this: hotdog of awesome. 

See that? That's exquisite caramelised onion and feta. 

I know!

Chips in wee spotty melamine latte cups? Oh, if you insist. Where is it?

Frankie's Place, Darby Street, Cooks Hill.


Monday, March 19, 2012

meal planning monday

Can't believe it's already the start of another week, another busy week... Here's what's happening and what we're eating:

Monday: I have some salmon that I couldn't be bothered cooking on Friday night. So we shall be eating it tonight. With a nice rocket and lemon salad.

Tuesday: Big ballet day for my gal. I'll make mexican for her - chicken burritos perhaps. With a fresh-corn salsa.

Wednesday: My gal's first official day of netball training. She'll be starvational afterwards. Best make Nigella's carbonara don't you think?

Thursday: I am off meeting a new pal for an $11 steak at a pub overseas {well, over river really - at Stockton}. Best leave hubby and gal some steak to cook up or they'll be jealous at missing out.

Friday: I'm off to celebrate a friend's birthday at Merewether Surf House. Might whip up a pizza first - always best to prepare for drinkies with pizza.

Saturday: My gal's a big fan of anything slow cooked with a wine sauce - if the weather's chilly I'll go for a beef in red wine casserole. Warmer days might call for chicken with 40 cloves of garlic.

Sunday: We went to a friends' for duck and champagne last sunday night so missed the lamb roast. I'll make it this week to make up.

What's on the menu in your neck of the woods?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

sweet sunday

Hi, how's your weekend treating you? Mine? Great, thank you. Yesterday my gal went off with some pals to the local shopping centre {hello teenager-hood} so hubby and I got stuck into putting stuff into our new cupboards - we're nearly there...

Today it's gloriously sunny so I'm catching up on the washing. While my mum was here I didn't have to wash a thing as it's one of her fave things to do. So I was a little bit shocked at the state of our dirty clothes baskets {I had done towels two days ago - and clean sheet day isn't until tomorrow...} So one load's drying in the breeze and sunshine, and another's cleaning as we speak. Joy.

Tonight we're off to our friends for duck and champagne night. Normally whoever is the guest buys a dessert, but I had some pears I wanted to use so I'm 'cheating' and baking a pear and almond tart. The pastry's chilling in the fridge, and all I have to do is poach the pears and make an almond paste with almond meal and a few other bits and pieces and bake it. Tres Francais non?

Now, do you just love this window seat above? Every now and again I ponder one of these in the bay window in our bedroom. At the moment we have a 1920s french bistro setting there {tres jolie} but it tends to accumulate 'stuff'. I'm going to get in there now and clean it off and see how I go. Might also give the windows a bit of a polish when the sun goes away a little. Oooh, and pop some champagne in the fridge to take tonight. I'm thinking it's a Pommery kind of evening don't you?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

cool thing

So, the other night I was here.

And when we left my friends pointed out this...

Why hasn't anyone told me this existed?

I do love a funky space and the Royal Exchange may well be one of Newcastle's most fabulous. We stood outside for a few minutes listening to an Irish singer performing in To Be Sure, To Be Sure. How fab!

i do love a classic

I love a classic film - for so many reasons. Primarily, the clothes. Would you look at this fabulous frock on Grace Kelly in Dial M For Murder. Divine. 

So, imagine my excitement when I found out Event Cinemas are doing Masters of Hollywood this year. Classic films prefaced by drinks and canapes. Hello! Next Wednesday is this very film in Newcastle - and I think I'd best attend.

Also on the list are many must-sees - including my beloved Cinema Paradiso. 

An excuse to frock up and hit the cinema? I barely need one - but this will do just nicely thank you very much indeed.

Friday, March 16, 2012

flowers for friday

I know I normally go for pastel and pretty, but when I saw these fleurs on a tweet from Leona Edmiston this morning, well, c'mon - who could resist? Aren't they magnificent! They remind me of the fabulous glitter roses I found in Tesco last year - roses are already so lush - I don't mind if they pump up the volume on the odd occasion. 

So, it's Friday hey? Wow. Where'd the week go? I had a fun night last night at the book launch for Two Feet Forward {blog post to come} at the ever-fabulous Greg & Audrey's Garage. So inspiring. Afterwards I caught up with two friends I haven't seen in forever over champagne and nibbles at Bar Petite - so fun.

We have little planned over the weekend - just lots of painting! And I'm taking to the gal to the local show for a squizz. We'll finish up our weekend with a duck and champagne night at our friends  {what? too much champagne? no such thing!}

Enjoy your day, hope you get to sprinkle a bit of technicolour wherever you go. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

kate spade polka dot nails

How utterly, utterly adorable are these Kate Spade polka dot fingernails? Complete with navy and white polka dot blouse and an Eiffel Tower brooch. Divine!

I think I need to channel something of this look tonight when I'm headed out to a book launch.

Monday, March 12, 2012

meal planning monday

Whew, what a week it's been. My mum and step-dad have blitzed this house - so many jobs done it's brilliant. {Photos this week - promise!} Plus, we've sold heaps of stuff on eBay which makes me very happy indeed. Not only did we make enough money to almost cover the costs of the two new wardobes {seriously!} we've also freed up heaps of space in the house. It's fabulous.

Tonight's the last night with my parents, I'm driving them to the airport tomorrow {:(} Last night I made home-made pasta with my "new" $4 pasta maker from the Salvos. Mum and I dropped off bags of stuff and I spied a cute little pale blue and stainless steel pasta machine. Bargain! We cooked up ricotta and herb ravioli with fresh pesto last night. Bliss.

So, this week:

Monday: Roasted thyme and garlic vegies with haloumi. Yum.

Tuesday: bbq salmon and ramen noodle salad.

Wednesday: Chicken and leek pies

Thursday: I'm off to a book launch at Greg & Audrey's Garage. Mexican for my gal and hubby.

Friday: Cassoulet. Yum.

Saturday: Oooh, St Pat's Day. Should do something with that shouldn't I? Irish Stew and Colcannon mash {stereotypical - but hey, I'm typing this up quickly in my lunchbreak!}

Sunday: Roast lamb and vegies.

Yep, that'll do me. You?

Friday, March 09, 2012

flowers for friday

Oh yay, it's friday! It's been a big, busy week. I have my parents up from Melbourne so we've been hang in out, my mum's been washing everything in sight and my stepdad's plumbed in the new fridge {I know have cold, filtered water in the door - and ICE!}, moved in all our new wardrobes and is making a gate in the side veranda to the veggie garden. Yay!

On Wednesday night I had the most fun night. Don't get jealous, but I went on a Newy/Central Coast bloggers meet. It was beyond fab. Honestly, bloggers are the best people. We're already excitedly planning our next catch-up and a Christmas Party! Woo hoo! I'm not going to name names {as I don't have all of them - and I don't want to leave anyone out} but I will say this - they were all just absolutely lovely. Laughing, chatting, eating tapas and drinking - what's better than that?

I love, love, LOVE catching up with people I've met on the internet. I'm never disappointed. From the fabulous bloggers I've met IRL to all the tweeps I've caught up with - they always live up to my expectations {and my expectations are always Sky High}.

I think there needs to be more of it - don't you? Tell me, when are you coming to Newcastle? We'll catch up then. x

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

my week with marilyn

Do you have a wee bit of a crush on Michelle Williams? Then don't see this movie otherwise your wee crush will turn into a hardcore obsession. Oh my, she is magnificent. I saw this last night with my mama and oh, what a film. It was a genuine delight. Michelle Williams plays Marilyn with all the nuances the character requires, but subtly, and magnificently.

I walked out on a cloud, wanting her eyebrows {look at 'em, aren't they stunning!} and at least one of her frocks. Fabulous supporting performances by Dame Judi Dench and Emma Watson being cute as a box of buttons round out the film. Oh, and the lead actor's freckled nose? Cute-as!


Monday, March 05, 2012

meal planning monday

Oooh, really, it's monday night? Today's flown by! I have my vegetarian parents up this week, so there's a lot of vego meals on the menu. Here's what we're eating:

Monday: tonight we made home-made pizza. Fresh tomato and basil sauce, slices of pumpkin roasted with thyme, pine nuts, caramelised onion with a dash or raspberry vinegar to finish it off - and a little freshly grated cheddar over top. Yum.

Tuesday: Mum and I are off to an early movie to check out My Week With Marilyn. So we'll grab a late dinner on Darby Street. The rest of the family will have to fend for themselves. They might make pasta with fresh pesto - seriously, I have A LOT of basil in the garden.

Wednesday: I'm off to meet up with some Newy bloggers. Yay. There shall be tapas, double yay!

Thursday: Might have to make a spinach and feta pie with a carrot salad don't you think?

Friday: We're going out to dinner - a Vietnamese place that offers loads of vegetarian options.

Saturday: Picnic dinner while we watch Shakespeare in the Park. Nice. To eat? Lotsa cheeses, baguettes, salad and fruits. No wine :(

Sunday: Roasted vegies for the vegetarians, with haloumi. For the non-vegos I'll do some lamb on the bbq.

Monday: Last night for my parentals. I might make a chickpea curry and indian bread for dinner.

How about you? What's on your menu? Share?

Thursday, March 01, 2012

the cutest thing you ever will see

My friend Kristin sent me this yesterday and I may have watched it, oh, about 10 times. I showed Miss A, my daughter who's also French-obsessed, and we may have sat on the couch last night - me on laptop, she on iPad, watching this over, and over again.

Be prepared to die from cuteness.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I am now officially in love with Kelly Osborne's lavender hair. And combined with that gorgeous soft lemon frock? Fabulous. Paired with the always-glorious Dita? Le sigh.

everything's better with a cape

Actually, the title of this post could technically be a lie as this dress was even more smokin' on stage without the cape - but damn, how cool would life be wearing a cape like this every day?

Whether you're living out superhero fantasies or princess dreams, cape are certainly the ideal accoutrement. Can't believe I neglected to post this yesterday. I broke into spontaneous applause when I saw it yesterday {alone, on the couch - hey, you'd do it too} and I tweeted joyously about it - but blog? I did not.

So here, I give you the cape, the frock, Tom Ford and Gwyneth - officially a match made in some kind of delicious sartorial heaven.

ps: check out the face of lady in the background with black bottom, sparkly silver top. Yep.

kate spade lippy

I do love Kate Spade, there's just something about her aesthete that makes me happy. And you know what'd make me really happy? This supercalifragilipstick {best. name. ever}

Monday, February 27, 2012

frocktastic oscars

I'm calling it: best Oscars frock show ever.

PS: Emma Stone presenting with Ben Stiller? Fabulous. Love her.

red carpet michelle williams - love

The best frocks always cause division and perhaps a wee bit of derision - but this, this I love. Can't imagine anyone else carrying it off - but oh, that colour, the frills, that wee little bow. Love. Apparently it's Louis Vuitton - well played.

So far, other looks I'm loving are Jessica Chastain, who went with black, heavily, heavily embroidered with gold, and Melissa McCarthy - in a frock that didn't play it safe.

George Clooney's gal Stacey Kiebler also wore a Marchesa frock that made my heart sing with it's colour and texture - liquid, molten gold.

meal planning monday

Okay, well, the gal's room is painted! Yep, two coats on the ceiling and cornices, two undercoats to hide the deep pink walls and then two coats of pretty pale blue {not too dissimilar to the chairs in this pic actually...} Now we've just got the tough bit - moving everything back in. Eek. We just moved all the heavy furniture to the middle of the room, and last night we pushed that back, but now we've got the whole bring everything else back in. Eep. At least it's looking pretty. Pics to come when complete.

This week here's the plan:
Monday: Something light. Like a maniac I cooked up beef bourgignon last night for dinner, as you do when you've been painting all weekend. Eedjit. So, tonight it's salmon on the bbq and salad.

Tuesday: There's a year 7 info night at our gal's school, and we both want to attend, so I'm asking my in-laws down to look after the gal while we go. Sure, she's probably old enough to stay on her own, but it'll be dark, let's not ask her to do that. For dinner? It'll be early, so something easy. Perhaps steak and salad.

Wednesday: Netball fitness training for my gal and her team. She'll be a hungry hippo afterwards. Best do her some pasta. Perhaps chicken bolognaise.

Thursday: Ballet - late. Caramelised pork loin, wilted asian greens and ramen noodles. Mmmmm.

Friday: Fish and chips, or thai takeaway, I'm going to be tired. I just know it.

Saturday: My mum and step-dad fly in from Melbourne for 10 days - yay! I'll make some roasted pumpkin and goat cheese quesadillas. {and chicken and cheese ones for my pumpkin-loathing child}

Sunday: Big bbq, with lots of roasted veggies for my vegetarian parents. And haloumi. Mmmmmm.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

painting days

We've got a busy weekend planned - painting our gal's bedroom. Yes, high school means that the pretty pink primary school bedroom is out the window - and in with the Frenchy ice blue bedroom. Wish us luck...