Monday, August 29, 2011

how many?

People, a moment please: this is, wait for it - my 2000st blog post. I KNOW!

I never realised, when I started this blog for a bit of fun a few years back, that I'd still be blogging 2000 posts later. I also had no idea that I'd form such incredible friendships, and discover so many fabulous aussie blogs.

So, woo hoo, here's to 2000 - and the next 2000. Thanks for sticking around x

Friday, August 26, 2011

flowers for friday

Later on I'll be popping out to buy some daffodils for Daffodil Day. But, until I have their pretty yellow faces popping over a pale blue jug, I'll have to fill this space with some provencal lavender.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

le bol

A bowl of coffee, in a pretty bol purchased in Menerbes in Provence, my sweet new mousemat {purchased at Typo at Charlestown... doesn't have the same ring... but still - pretty!} and you have the perfect combination for a good morning's work.

Thanks Gourmet Girlfriend for a timely reminder that a big bowl of coffee is sometimes all you need.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Excuse me, but how divine is this? There's a spot on my veranda that's just crying out for one of these babies {and the charcoal boards too - divine!}

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

colour coded

Should you ever be curious about the next hottest nail colour you only need to look to Chanel. Ever since Uma Thurman's nails in Pulp Fiction set the fashion world alight, Chanel have been the go-to for what's hot on nails.

While Rouge Noir is still one of the highest selling nail colours {what's not to love about a red so deep it's almost black} each season Chanel has fashionistas salivating in anticipation of their newest release.

Now, I didn't go for last season's citron yellow {when you have olive skin, yellows tend to bring out the jaundice effect...} I think I could be inspired to paint on this Coco Blue.

Or Blue Boy...

Blue Rebel?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to stalk the Chanel counter...

Monday, August 22, 2011

a cameo role

When you have long, black, curly hair that you tend to wear just, you know, hanging, earrings tend to get lost.

But I think I'd be persuaded to wear an up-do for these!

Helloooooooooo lovely {Dolce and Gabbana clip-ons via - yum!}

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Farewell Harry and friends

So, I finally got to the cinema for the final Harry Potter. Genius.

I was worried I'd feel let down, but once again the team came up trumps and created a fitting finale. I do feel sad that it's over, but thankfully the film did provide some closure.

Now I think it's time to revisit the books, then start all over with the movies again...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

sweet saturday

Oh my it's a glorious day in sunny Newcastle today. We had our netball semi final against the top team, we lost, but boy, did we play well. That means that next week we'll play against the winner of the other semi-final and then, hopefully, onto the Grand Final. Woo hoooo!

And tonight I'm off to a Year 6 mums' night out. Yes, Year 6. Goodness. It does mean that I'm missing a fabulous blogger's bash in Sydney tonight to welcome back the BlogHer goddesses Mrs Woog and Eden - but I'm sure they'll have a fabbo time and I can live vicariously through blog posts and twitter feeds.

Now, I'm off to paint my nails - what goes with tapas? I'm thinking grey as I'm wearing a black vintage frock with white piping, red shoes, red lips and probably red bag. Too much red? Sorry, that's just not possible.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

eye spy

Because what's funnier than a cat with a "What you talkin' about Willis?" expression.


Thank you Isson Eyewear spring-summer 2012 catalogue. Not only is your eyewear pretty damn fine, you brought a giggle to my grey ol' day.

PS: Beware, link contains not only more rather fabulous shades; but a pug {!!!} and guinea pigs... You've been warned.

PPS: At first I thought that cat was lounging back and wearing a leather jacket. My die...

do you like scary movies?

I used to be a HUGE fan of scary movies. In my teens I swallowed them up: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, all the Nightmare on Elmstreet films, Friday the 13th... But when I fell pregnant, that was it - no more. I couldn't bear anything scary or remotely horrifying.

Of all these films, one sticks in my mind for the serious scare-you-out-of-your-skin factor: The Woman In Black. Scary. Seriously.

And now it's been remade, with a rather dashing Daniel Radcliffe in the lead {seriously, that boy is growing into his looks...}.

Dare I?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

a weekend project

We saw this vegie garden at the Hampton Court flower show and fell in luuuurve. That's what I want for our side yard - including a wee bench to sit back and gaze adoringly at the produce.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

back in the real world...

Well, I think the post-holiday glow's officially worn off now. I'm back to normal sleeping patterns, back to boring old shopping in Australian supermarkets {where's the 4 euro bottles of rosé people?} and cooking in my kitchen - which is nowhere near as glamorous as cooking in Provence...

Luckily I have a new job that I LOVE, and the weather's looking mighty fine in this neck of the woods. Yep, life back in Aus isn't too shabby at all really...

Monday, August 15, 2011

wearing red for daniel

It's been hard not to be touched by the story of Daniel Morcombe who disappeared all those years ago in 2003. Thinking of his family, and what they've been through, is just heart-wrenching. Losing a family member must be indescribably difficult, but when you don't know what happened, or where they are, the pain must be magnified.

With the arrest of a person of interest, hopefully the Morcombe family are closer to closure.

In honour of Daniel's memory, the Morcombe family have called for people to wear red in his memory. After reading the call from Nikki from Styling You on Twitter I knew I'd be able to find something red.

For you, Daniel, and your family, may you finally have some peace.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

sunday suppers

Okay, another week, another meal plan. Let's get into it shall we?

Sunday: tonight we've been invited to drinks at our dear friends' house. I've made some canapes of caramelised onions with thyme and red-wine poached pears on little rounds of puff pastry {ah, the things you can create from very little} and they're supplying French cheese and champagne. Yum. When we get home I've got some chilli prawns from Aussie Farmer's Direct in the fridge - I'll cook them up and serve them with spaghetti with garlic breadcrumbs, lemon zest and parsley.
Monday: there's a cyber-bullying workshop at my gal's school. Early dinner of chorizo and potato tortilla with green salad I think.
Tuesday: I didn't make a roasted chicken last week - best do it tonight. I do have a hankering...
Wednesday: Netball training - pork curry!
Thursday: I think I'd best make a risotto - bacon and mushroom perhaps.
Friday: I'm off to Sydney for a meeting, so when I get home I'm hoping hubby and the gal will make me a Mexican feast.
Saturday: I'm off to a mum's night for school - my last mum's night out at this school {sob!} We're having tapas - and perhaps a drink or two...


Saturday, August 13, 2011

they need to change the title...

To capital F for fabulous. LOVE this look on Kristen Stewart. Young Liz Taylor anyone?

sweet, sweet saturday

Can you smell it? Can you feel it? That hint of Spring in the air...

We've got our last round of netball for the season today, with the semis starting next week {and we're in woo hooooooo!}. This afternoon we're doing the last of the unpacking, and moving our new {old} dining table into its correct place {why yes I do have an 1840 French Farmhouse table in my bedroom - don't you?}

I'm dead keen to get into the garden too: currently the irises are out, my rose sticks are shooting, and THIS is the year we're getting the veggie garden happening.

I think I need those floral wellies to help me garden don't you think?

Friday, August 12, 2011

flowers for friday

It's grey and drizzly here today, so I thought it only fitting that I should take us back to Paris to a gorgeous store we found in the Marais - Le Nom de la Rose. Just roses, in all their guises. Sweetly scented and oh-so-pretty. Go on, take a deep breath - can't you just smell the perfume?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

happy birthday to...


I'm not one of those people to meekly keep quiet about my birthday, oh no, I'll shout it from the rooftop and my blog.

What's not to love about a day that's all about you, and filled with treats and love?

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

panic on the streets of london

This time last week we were on the London Eye, checking out that gorgeous city. Today the town's in turmoil. My heart and prayers are with all of those involved, and I hope that the violence is quelled soon and sanity is restored.

in the swing...

Okay, so I'm trying to get back into the swing of real life. Yesterday I flew to Melbourne for work for my first day back, which helped delay the inevitable - back-in-the-real-world-issues. And I'm still getting over my jetlag {I feel okay, I just wake ridiculously early!}. So today, rather than lying in bed fighting my early-wakening, I rose at 6.15am and went for a walk along the beach. Beautiful. The hot orange sun was rising over the water, perfectly-formed waves rolled in, surfers caught those perfectly-formed waves, and I walked off my jetlag, my stiff, travel-weary limbs and got myself ready for the day.

It's going to be a good week.

PS: Did you catch Mrs Woog and Eden on George Negus last night? Awesome and awe-inspiring. Love those gals.
image via