Thursday, February 23, 2012

oscars soiree anyone?

You know how I love an awards season - well, obviously the Elizabeth Taylor-esque jewel in the season is The Oscars. It's where the stylists save all the best frocks {what movies? It's totally about the frocks - and the odd tux...}

So guess how excited I was to see this clever idea - red carpet frocks on the big screen. Clever! Sadly I'll be working, but if it's on next year I think I'll grab a gang of gals and frock up.

Who's your prediction for best frock? I am DYING to see Michelle Williams, but am hoping there'll be some gasp-worthy-gorgeousness on display.


  1. Love this idea. Next year - will grab a close g/friend who loves the Oscars & we will go along if they hold it!! Just have to send baby boy to Nanna - baby girl will be in kindergarten - sob...already feel sad about losing her to the "institutionalised life" (as my mum called it)

    1. Sounds great! (not the kinder part, that I totally understand...) x

  2. What a great idea and for a good cause as well. Win win x

  3. A top idea. I'm ALWAYS a sucker for a frock fest. Never jealous, just in awe of the perfection of it all. Enjoy PPMJ! xo


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