Tuesday, November 09, 2010

happy birthday!

One of the things I love the most about where I live would be these beautiful ocean baths. There's the big baths {apparently the largest ocean baths in the Southern Hemisphere} and the baby baths {still pretty damned big} - and it's their birthday. Woo hoo.

75 years old and still looking gorgeous, must be that weekly cleaning that does it. I love how there's always someone swimming, from the tenacious oldies who do their laps throughout winter, to the families who flock to the site in summer. I'm rarely brave enough to swim in the large swell our local beach produces, so the ocean baths give me that delicious salty water kick - without the fear factor or the crowds between the flags.

Gotta love a city that offers up something so beautiful.


  1. thank you for the stroll down memory lane. I used to swim there as a kid :)

  2. I've always wanted to go there...have seen them in tourism shots or articles on Newcastle and they look fabulous. Summer visit perhaps?! HOUSE SWAP?!

  3. I am completely envious .... they look beautiful!!

  4. Ocean baths are wonderful (although I could never quite figure out the 'why', but we'll leave that for another time!!) Lucky you living so close to such a great example. x

  5. Looks so lovely!

    I have a fear of things under the water, but I could imagine myself swimming there!


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