Now, I make no secret of my love of reality tv - and one show I just love {even though I probably shouldn't} is Australia's Next Top Model. I've watched every series with glee. I was watching last week when a model bemoaned her weight gain, then had an extremely unflattering photo shoot in a coffin. I remember thinking that it looked like she just wasn't going to fit in - nothing to do with her supposed weight gain, just her sheer height and gangliness. When Alex Perry quipped that she looked like overstuffed luggage I thought it was a pretty apt simile, nothing to do with her weight - she just didn't fit.
Weirdly, nearly a week later a furore arose over the comment with Alex Perry being derided for his 'fat-hatred'. Um, really? Is this the Alex Perry who has clothing up to a size 16? Alex Perry who so beautifully dressed Robyn Lawley in the above Vogue shoot? The hatred and the vitriol he's receiving over twitter is just quite yucky to witness. It's bad enough when someone's done something worthy of derision - but this is a comment taken completely out of context and I think it's just outrageous that any person should be subjected to that. Especially a designer who clothes do tend to celebrate the female form - have a look - they're all about curves and shapes.
Sigh. Haters gotta hate.