Monday, January 17, 2011

red hot on the red carpet

Here are some of the looks I'm loving on the Golden Globes red carpet - and may I say that I'm very impressed that the red carpet has coincided with my lunchbreak. Very disappointed that the main shot up there wasn't actually Lea Michelle as I first thought {I've spared you the actual image of her - it's well, not great...}.

PS: You know how I love Helena and how she always brings it - seriously, too many flesh-toned, safe frocks on the red carpet for my liking. But you know what I'm loving most about her? The mis-matched shoes - LOVE. Head over to Go Fug Yourself for a typically hilarious recap of the red carpet - and check out the show Ricky Gervais is hosting so it's got to be brilliant.

shoe woo hoo

Excuse me, but have you seen a more outrageously pretty pair of shoes? I know - nor have I. This shade of green totally tickles my fancy, and you know I do love me a polka dot. I am now, officially in luuuuuuuurve.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

splashing out

It certainly is swimming weather here today. Hot, steamy and with a lovely blue sky. Now, sadly I did not loll around my pool in this pretty Miu Miu bikini - but oh, a gal can only dream.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Couldn't you just...

Never one for camping, I could just picture myself Glamping in this pretty silver Airstream. After reading about a couple who have an Airstream in their backyard in Byron as guest accommodation {!!!!!!} I'm more than a bit besotted. So's my hubby.

Next holiday perhaps?

So, today? What's happening? I'm doing a bit of work, and am catching up with some school friends at a hotel on the harbour later today. Not too shabby...

Friday, January 14, 2011

simply pretty

A favourite flower of mine is the Cosmos. So pretty, in glorious shades of pink, with magnificent foliage that's the perfect background for their pretty faces. Simple to grow too - with none of the fuss of daisies {seriously, can you believe that I can't grow daisies?!}

There's a wee spot of space in my garden that's begging for a little colour. Cosmos just might do the trick don't you think?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

hello prettiness

Now that's what I call a bridal bouquet. Peonies, roses and feathers - oh my!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

lady in red

I love Rachel McAdams and adore a good frock {and a heel - natch} so this shot's a win/win all round. Do I mind that the frock is almost an identical colour to the curtains? Nah, not so much... She still looks gorgeous.

what's cooking wednesday

We're here again? Already? Okay then, here's the menu for this week...

Tonight: Glazed salmon, wilted spinach and sushi rice. The other night I made caramelised pork and served it on sushi rice {cooked and seasoned as if I were making sushi} as per Nigella's recommendation and it was soooooo good. Try it.
Thursday: Hubby and I are off on a date to have dinner and check out a performer - Adalita from Magic Dirt - oh yeah.
Friday: Garlic prawns, linguine and salad.
Saturday: Steak and roasted vegie salad.
Sunday: Off to the markets to find a suitable roasting meat. Mmmm.
Monday: I'm going to do that caramelised pork again. Let's hope I can remember the ingredients {I made a caramel with palm sugar and hot water, then added garlic, ginger, smoked chilli paste and ketchep manis. Smeared this over a pork fillet, salted it, marinated for 30 mins, then seared the fillet till golden. Then I sliced into thick slices, and added to the marinade to the pan and finished cooking the pork. Served on a bed of sushi rice with wilted chinese broccoli. Good stuff}.
Tuesday: Lamb salad.

Phew. You?

PS: Kitchen from Something's Gotta Give. Love.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

some pretty breathing space

Sometimes you need to take a deep breath and smile.

in memoriam

Like most of the blogging community I'm lighting a candle and sending love out to Lori who lost her husband is such horrible, tragic circumstances. Rest in peace Tony.

I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
Lord Tennyson

Monday, January 10, 2011

a new beckham baby

Just after Posh was quoted in Vogue magazine as no longer trying for a baby girl - the Beckhams have announced that baby number four is on the way.


They do make beautiful babies these two - and I don't think I've ever seen a celebrity father as genuinely affectionate with his kids as David is.

green with envy

I've been turning a fetching shade of green due to envy a bit lately. Reading my friend G's facebook status updates have me being infused with emerald as she's currently in Paris with her hubby enjoying champagne, culture and far too much fabulous food. Bliss.

These Alaia shoes are just the most glorious shade of green don't you think? And pretty too...

Sunday, January 09, 2011

house p*rn

I'm pretty forgiving of a film if it offers something for me to sigh over - particularly house-po*n. Last night I finally got around to watching It's Complicated and realised that nearly every film that has a house I lust over has one thing in common Nancy Meyer. Seriously, check out this blog that has an extensive list of Nancy Meyer films and gorgeous interior images from them.

Obviously, number one in the House P*rn category has to be Something's Gotta Give - honestly, that kitchen!! It'd have to be one of the most googled kitchen's in history. But I didn't realise that Nancy had a hand in The Holiday, although looking at this gorgeous living room I should have realised. Do you know how much I now NEED this ottoman? Perfection.

PS: It's complicated was fun. I realised how much I do like Meryl Streep. And what I love about her is how amazingly sexy she is - honestly, that's one woman who just seems so damned confident in her skin. And there were plenty of giggles on offer to. And the house po*n, let's not forget the house p*rn {and in this case, bakery po*n, mmmmmmm}.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to ward off tons of google searches here looking for something inappropriate... * Ha - edited to, well, edit that word. Honestly people - nothing to see here, move along...

what a doll

If I were a movie star, or a rock star, and somebody told me they were making a doll version of me I'd squeee. Yep, I'd be damned excited. But what happens when you get that weird doll that looks nothing like you?

For example, you may be wondering why I've posted a pretty pic of Winona and this weird, ugly-looking man doll above. That's because the weird, ugly-looking man doll is meant to be Winona... Um, right. Sure, the doll has a waist, and boobs, but apart from that they've really just chucked on some kind of low-rent GI Joe head!

No squeee from Winona - probably just a squeal I'd imagine...

{To see some more hilarious dolls from the 90s go here. Go on...}

Saturday, January 08, 2011

what do you like about your house?

Last night we had some lovely friends over to dinner. It was one of those perfect nights. Everyone was relaxed, happy and in holiday mode. We sat up in the pavillion while the kids swam, and then, once it was dark we moved down to have our dinner on the back veranda while the kids ate inside and watched a DVD. Then, at about 8.30 the kids asked if they could go for another swim and we said "Why not?" and turned on the pool lights, and moved back up to the pavillion.


That's the kind of night memories are made of. I love that we've managed to make so many lovely friends who are also raising such gorgeous children. Seriously good kids. The two boys happily played with my gal, which is great as they'll be spending a week together in Provence, and our other friends have the most gorgeous little girl who enchanted us all. You know those children that are just so sweet, lovely, funny and fabulous that you can't take your eyes off them? That was Miss R. My gal hasn't stopped raving about her - she really was utterly enchanting. And so happy! She didn't have her swimmers, but happily sat there watching the big kids swim with the most beautiful little smile playing about her lips.


But on to the topic of this post. What I love about our house is that it makes nights like that possible. Where the kids can have fun, the adults know their safe, and that we have enough changes of scene to keep things interesting.

You've got to be happy with that.

PS: this shot is not my house - but don't you love that candelabra in the corner? Why waste a spot when you can make it pretty?

Friday, January 07, 2011

flowers for friday

How glorious are parrot tulips? Watching The Tourist the other night made me remember how much I adore this flower. It also made me realise that Venice is a spectacularly beautiful city that I really do need to visit again. Another realisation: Johnny Depp is not always hot {I know! Wash out my mouth!}. Finally, Angelina Jolie - really needs to eat something. She's always been uber-thin, but she was distractingly so in this film...

But anyway - tulips - pretty!

cute potential couple alert

So, apparently they spent new year's together - and the rumour train totally has them together. I'm with that. I love Sandy, and while I do have issues with Ryan's often obvious foundation {dude, match your skintone and BLEND} I think they'd have fun together.


Thursday, January 06, 2011

best job in the world?

Blake Lively is the new ambassadress for Chanel Mademoiselle Handbags. Best. Job. Ever. Seriously, free handbags and you get to hang out with Karl - surely that'd provide dinner party anecdotes for a good 700 years or so...

PS: that bag? Oh MY!

good gear

I don't know about you, but I often truly, deeply believe that if I have just the right piece of equipment I'll be better at something. Take this Cath Kidston tea towel. If I owned this I wouldn't leave any washing up 'drying' on the sink for a couple of days... Nope, my sink would be consistently pristine.

I'm always considering the next best thing to make me a better duster. Have you seen those spinning lurid green dusters advertised on TV? Oh, I so nearly dialed that number - until I realised that I have two dusters {um, gathering dust} in my pantry. Every week I'm consumed with envy as I sit at my desk and watch next door's cleaner come in and dust around all the inside of the windows I can see. I know, weird. I've no idea what else she does - but gee I'm envious of the dusting. Despite my asthma and hayfever dusting always falls into a non-essential category for me: way after vacuuming, mopping, cleaning bathrooms, washing, cooking etc.


Wednesday, January 05, 2011

best breakfasts

Oh, I do have me a hankering for some delicious pancakes topped with berries. Have a look at these pretties I saw over at martha stewart - scrumptious!