* Go to outdoor boxing early each Saturday morning - boxing and the beach are the perfect combo
* Concentrate on cleaning one room in my house each day
* Smile every hour
* Do Pilates once a week - it works for Dita Von Teese and Kate Winslet, so that's enough for me
* Ride my bike once a week
* Try something new at least once a month
* Dedicate fridays as Friendship Friday and call one friend on a Friday evening
* Seek out more freelance work
* Learn conversational French
* Listen to more music
* Read a wider range of authors (maybe even some men - oooooh)
* Plan more dates with my hubby
* Continue to declutter my home and mind
* Go for a walk every day - for at least 15 minutes
* Learn how to sew - properly!
* Work smarter
* Do something special with my daughter every day