Saturday, February 08, 2014

happy birthday to my blog

Oh my goodness, it's my blog's birthday! Eeeeeep! It's now six years old - all grown up.

So, to celebrate, Martha Stewart totally made me this cake.

Well, she didn't, but she would have if she could have… I just borrowed her image.

Wow, six years huh? Who would have thought when I started blogging all those years ago that I'd still be here six years on? Not I. I have loved it though, which is why I keep going, no matter how busy I am. It's for you guys, I love the community I've found through blogging, and the fact that I get to share cool stuff with you. Thanks for coming by.

Here, have a slice of virtual cake!

French word of the day: gateaux - cake!


  1. Happy Blog Birthday. We love reading your posts and thanks for the slice of virtual cake. x

  2. Happy blog birthday to yoooooou!
    I've just had a look to see when mine is, and it's today too! I feel like we share a LOT if important dates lady! It is a bit kooky!

    1. Wow, kooky and a lil bit SPOOKY! Happy birthday to YOUR blog as well x

    2. i have this feeling our anniversaries are around the same time too...
      so strange!

  3. Happy 6th birthday to your blog and thank you for it. It is always entertaining and I try never to miss it.
    I love the French word for cake .... and that beautiful cake WOW!!

  4. Happy bloggy birthday. I'm so glad you've stuck around all these years. xx

    1. Thanks lovely, it's been a long ride, but I do enjoy it xx

  5. Lovely cake. Thanks for sharing. Happy Birthday to the blog.

    1. Thanks E, I do believe that you're one of my longest-term readers. Thank you for sticking around x


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