We bid and won on a few auction items, we tend to get a bit overexcited at these events - could have something to do with the amount of champagne consumed by the time the bidding starts. So we're off to another day at the races where we gals shall studiously ignore the horsies, because we're too busy concentrating on our champagne and giggling - and hopefully the husbands will bet smart and help us end up ahead like they did last time.
I did do the glittery eye. Eyes rimmed in a fabulous Mac shadow - delft blue - and then my Make Up Forever glitter pen {clear with multi-coloured glitter} over the top. And oh yeah, I also went with the red glossy lip - gotta rock that drag-queen look. I can't say my pics turned out great - the iPhone's handy, but take great close-up shots it does not. So you'll just have to imagine it - or I'll post a blurry shot later on.
I missed the dancing. Oh, I missed the dancing. There are few people in this world who get as excited about dancing as me and it nearly killed me to not be able to dance. Luckily I couldn't really hear the band because of the sound system, so at least I wasn't tempted by any fave tunes busting out to limp onto the dance floor.
The night reinforced how blessed with are with such fabulous friends. I mightn't have been able to dance, but the night was still a blast thanks to a table of utterly gorgeous people.