Friday, January 16, 2009
pink of perfection
Goodness gracious, have you ever seen such prettiness? Peonies are one of my favourite flowers, and I must say that I love how these little beauties are entwined with grapevines.
refried brains
With the temperature reaching over 42 degrees yesterday I realised just how poorly I cope with the heat. Driving for 20 minutes to reach a big tin shed in the middle of nowhere (which was, thankfully, air conditioned) and then back again nearly caused my circuits to overload. My poor little car's air conditioning struggled to cope with the heat, so I tried the old fashioned remedy of rolling down the windows - to be hit with hellfire's breath...
I came home, pouty and cranky, trying to sullenly deal with the heat, but realised that on days such as those, I should just acquiesce, turn the air con on, and loll on the couch with a water iceblock. Instead, I sat in my darkened study and tried to work. Ineffectually.
Today, however, it's a more balmy 24 degrees - much more my style. I've been out, bought a lovely melamine dinner set that's white with a pretty pale blue floral arrangement on it (from Aldi - shhhhh), taken my daughter from one sleepover venue to another, mopped the kitchen floor, sorted the washing into appropriate piles and emailed interview requests for the next story I'm working on. Much better.
I'm also happy that my new cupcake desktop icons have inspired me to new levels of organisation and effectiveness. I've got all my stories in progress organised in folders by magazine and have given them colour labels depending on their due date: red for the closest deadline, orange for the next, yellow and then purple for ones due in a few weeks. Combine this with Google Calendar reminders, my monthly deadlines pinned to my pinboard to my right, and my new calendar hanging on the wall, and I'm thinking of changing my name to Olivia Organisation.
Ah, I feel better now.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
minty fresh
In an effort to be uber-thrifty, I've just been wiping down my benches with a plain cloth dampened with warm water. Generally it's done the job, but something's missing - a pretty scent.
Now, as you know, ants are driving me insane at the moment - in the kitchen and on my desk - so I googled a solution and came up with mint and cucumber* (mmm, sounds like the perfect ingredients for a cocktail... but I digress...).
I dashed to the crisper and came up with a cucumber*, but alas, I'd used up all the mint - and had none in the garden. Nor did my essential oil stash help, until, I remembered my gorgeous Cinderella Multi-Purpose Spray. It's pretty, it's effective - and it's scented with mint. Perfect. So now I have gleaming benchtops and desktop, lightly scented with mint, studded with cucumber* slices, and hopefully repellent to ants. Fingers crossed, if I'm diligent, this'll pay off.
* Note: I just went out the the kitchen to find about twenty ants feasting on a slice of cucumber. Obviously whoever came up with the whole "ants are repelled by cucumber" theory had different ants, or cucumber, to me - or maybe mine are just super-hungry...
green scene
I'm a bit cranky today. It's blisteringly hot (and I'm still sunburned so I can't swim), I had to spend the morning at a child's party and I'm still having issues with ants on my desk (I've just taken to squishing them now, so my fingers smell of eau de ant - not pretty).
These shoes are my cranky antidote - do you think they work? Wouldn't they be pretty with a dusky pink floaty frock? They're Lanvin in case you're wondering.
I nearly opted for another pair of Miu Miu, but then, after seeing the Katie Holmes ads I vetoed that option. I think Katie's aiming for a spot of Posh's Alien Chic (as in the Armani undies ads) but is instead channeling Alien Freak... (See, told you I was cranky)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
highly dry
The past two months have been positively filled with fabulous social gatherings. I've had fun at every single one, but, I'm feeling pretty well champagned-out.
That's why a bunch of us have decided to make February a dry month. Yes, not one drop of alcohol will pass our lips for a month (admittedly, sneakily, the shortest month of the year - but let's not quibble).
Just as after gorging on rich food, salads and lighter meals feel like a treat, I'll be happy to have a soda water with a slice of lime in a tall glass after such a period of grape abuse. Obviously if any social events are to be undertaken in February they'll have to be done with our other teetotalling friends - I'm strong, but not strong enough to deal with peer pressure of any kind... Not that my friends would actually pressure me, no, I mean the simple pressure that's released when a champagne cork is eased from the neck of the bottle. That pressure.
Wish me luck, there'll be no more mocking of mocktails from my direction. And yes, the local bottle shops will hurt considering the drinking skills of the group of us that are abstaining. But don't worry, we're sure to help bolster the economy again in March. Probably March 1, 12.01am...
the sound of one hand clapping
Call me crazy, but I am loving on Drew's look for the Golden Globes. From the whacked-out, pouffy starlet's hair, to that sumptuous floaty frock, and the 50s maquillage to match - she's rocking it all.
Some have said it's an homage to her new film, Gray Gardens and if so, bravo to her. This is gorgeous, eccentric and charming - kind of what I imagine Ms Barrymore's like in real life.
ant music
As a youth I adored Adam and the Ants. The yummy frontman was just one of a long stream of men in make-up that I adored (I'm not sure if it started with Bowie, or Frank N Furter in Rocky Horror - but it was persistent). While I still love Ant Music, I'm not fond of their namesake.
I came home from two days of boating and wakeboarding (yes - ouch!) to find massive trails of ants from one side of my desk to the other. Hundreds, nay thousands, of the little black blighters. Now, I will drink coffee at my desk, and tea, and have been known to sometimes snack on stuff al descko... however, I'd only cleaned it last week so I'm not sure what sumptuous feast they were headed for. The worst part was that they were through my keyboard - which is an impressive feat as I have a newish Mac, and my keyboard's almost flat - with nowhere for an ant to hide - or so I thought. Anyway, I swept most of them up, have sprinkled ant rid all over my desk, and have shaken and cleaned my keyboard so much it's positively glowing.
Next resolution - no food whatsoever, no matter what, at this desk. Those long black lines have put me off nibbling in front of the computer for good. Now the only Ant Music that's running through my head is the Pink Panther theme: "dead ant, dead ant..."
Sunday, January 11, 2009
bite sized
I've tidied up the desktop on my computer today. I'm trying to make things a tad on the more organised side, and now, thanks to Gala Darling {}my desktop is not only super-organised - it's super-pretty too. Gala wrote about the most adorable desktop icons for Macs - and they're cupcakes! I know, dead-girly, but so am I. Looking over at the gorgeous little treats on my left - with all my documents that are "In Progress" designated by what looks suspiciously like a red velvet cupcake {with a cherry on top!} inspires me to work.
And I needed that today. After an evening of too much fun last night, with what are quite possibly the most hilarious people in Australia, I needed inspiration to propel me from the couch - or pool. Thankfully I was very restrained {for me} unlike some people... who stayed up till 4am... drinking red wine and port... you know who you are! So at least I'm just lethargic... not on the verge of death...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
wonderful weekends
We've had a lazy morning today, but we're gearing up for a visit from friends, and dinner with more friends this evening. We're taking on the guest role tonight, so all I need to do is bring some wine and pudding. I was tossing up between trifle and the chocolate ice cream summer pudding - guess which won? Yes, couldn't help it, I had to go with ice cream studded with berries and shards of dark chocolate, encased in chocolate sponge. Yum.
The icecream's softening on the bench, so I'll put it together shortly. However, because there'll be young 'uns sharing, I won't be swirling cassis through the mix - I'll sloosh in some Rose Syrup instead. Now that's even making me hungry... Off to make some roast beef and salad wraps for lunch. Enjoy your weekend. x
Friday, January 09, 2009
excess baggage
Oh boy, could I do with a good night's sleep. Insomnia's been my closest buddy for the last week again and while I've been doing a lot of lovely reading, I'd much prefer to be dozing. I'm not quite sure why my body seems to feel it's okay to be sleepy and dopey right up till bedtime until, shazam, I'm suddenly wide awake.
I've been doing all the right things, but obviously the one thing I can't do is get my darned brain to switch off. I think I'm going to try that old trick of keeping a notepad and pen by my bed so I can jot down any ideas or blog thoughts so they don't keep racing around my head, only to evaporate in the morning.
Today's been spent tethered to the keyboard, so I'm looking forward to my evening walk. Since vowing to walk daily for 15 minutes I've found it ever-so-simple to get dressed and stride out the door. Most days I do only walk for 15 minutes, but one night it was so blissful I was out for nearly an hour. Obviously plenty of others agree as there were loads of people out walking, running, riding, scootering, swimming, surfing and kiteboarding at 7.15pm.
I do have to admit that fulfilling a healthy new year's resolution is a helluva lot easier in Australia - where the warm weather beckons you to come outdoors. I'm also blessed to be living so close to such beautiful beaches - it's so soothing to walk by the shore. Walking really makes me feel thankful for what I have.
So even though today's grey, and a tad on the chilly side (well, it's under twenty degrees - chilly for an Aussie summer) I'm dead-keen to pop on my trainers and go for a walk. Perhaps it'll blow away my cobwebs and banish the bags from under my eyes.
happy feet
Whew, um, where did this week go? I can't believe it's Friday and I still hadn't graced you with a Shoe Of The Week. So here 'tis. It's a Miu Miu a name that makes me happy, and I must say, that this patent orange makes me smile. I'm also adoring on that wedge shape - and hello, peep toes? Gorgeosity. My Revlon Strawberry Electric toenails would love to pop out and say "Hey" in these.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
the name game
Last night we went to dinner to a restaurant that had an appealing name - Meat & Wine Co. Simple, apt, adequately explains what to expect. Now, our friends who led us to this establishment suggested the ribs. No, not suggested, actively prodded us in the direction of the ribs, as apparently, this was one meat this restaurant did well. Of course, once the decision's made, that, yes, I'll have the ribs, comes the next conundrum - which ribs. Give me a choice between beef ribs and pork ribs and I'll find it difficult to decide, which of course this restaurant realised, hence the option of 1/2 beef, 1/2 pork. Perfect, sign me up.
Of course my sensible friend, who'd been before, opted purely for 1/2 beef - which when the massive platter was placed before her I realised meant "Half of the ribs that a cow owns," and, um, that's a lot. Now, a sensible person would expect that 1/2 beef, 1/2 pork would involve a half-size serving of each of these dishes. Sensibility didn't reign supreme in that kitchen.
Do you remember how at the end of every episode of The Flintstones, Fred's car nearly tips over at the drive-through thanks to his enormous plate of Brontosaurus Ribs? Yes, that'd be kind of indicative as to what was placed before me last night.
Don't worry, I soldiered on. Polished the bones clean before rolling home.
Bircher muesli and fruit salad for breakfast this morning...
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
love is
haberdashery dash
We don't have any haberdashery stores where I live - just Spotlight, the big fabric store. But I need me a little haberdashery store after watching my new fave show. You know Gok, from How To Look Better Naked? Well he's got a new show where he styles the bejeezus out of cheap clothes and makes them look kinda couture and utterly original. I was inspired to go out and buy dozens of teeny satin roses to sew around hems, until I realised that my sewing skills leave something to be desired. But all that's going to change this year - when I learn to sew properly (see earlier post This Year I Will...)
I'm giddily in love with Gok. He really has a passion for what he does - and I love how he's tracked down his fashion icons to interview about their style. Last night's ep had Geri Halliwell, but it's next week I'm hankering for - Joan Freakin' Collins. Loving her!
Last night also had an interview with the crazily kooky Roberto Cavalli (seriously, do all designers have to be a little nutso these days?). His house in Florence was insanely gorgeous, but he kind of lost me when he uttered one of my pet peeves. See, the girl interviewing him made the mistake of asking him what he thought of her frock and he replied "It's not really my style". Grrrr. Now, this is only minor, because she did actually ask, it wasn't an unsolicited "I don't like that" but still, surely you can always find something nice to say.
I've never understood people who'll come into someone's home and comment about the walls, "Oh, it's a bit bright for me". Um, that's because it's not your home! Is it that these people have been whacked with the egocentric stick and believe that absolutely everything is about them?
It's summed up best in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, when Frank N Furter asks Janet what he thinks about his creation Rocky. Her response? "I don't like men with too many muscles." To which Frank snarls, "I didn't make him for you!"
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
raising the bar
Isn't Paris just picture perfect? Here's a shot of my favourite bar, just around the corner from our apartment in The Marais. It was teeny tiny, with the most incredible zinc bar and has featured in many tales. There's just something about Paris that makes my heart swell and that calls me back. Maybe I should use this image as a screen saver to inspire me to work harder and faster to pay off the backyard renovation - and start saving for our next Parisian stay.
You've probably noticed that I was bored with my old layout, so I'm trying this one out. The pink's probably a bit more lolly than I like, but I thought I'd ease us all into the change with the original blogger layout and then try tinkering with the colours.
I also thought I'd pop on a few pics of stuff around my house - and didn't realise how much green I have in my house and wardrobe until I put them all together. I guess I spend so much time in my pretty blue study that I didn't realise that our bedroom, kitchen and living room are all painted in varying shades of a soothing verdant green - with plenty of pink accents.
ooh ah, just a little bit
Last year I wrote a story on the benefits of small bursts of exercise and have decided to make that my mantra this year. While we've long heard of the benefits of getting 30 - 45 minutes exercise three to five times a week, for most of us, that just seems impossible to squeeze into our busy days. That's why I've decided to go for a 15 minute walk every day. C'mon, 15 minutes is NOTHING, you're barely even leaving the house. It's easy peasy, so therefore, you'll do it. And once you've done that 15 minutes you'll get the benefits: a little cardio fitness, a little muscle tone, stress relief, a little vitamin D, mood elevation... and you'll want to do it again, and again.
The problem with most exercise programs is the huge amount of time we have to dedicate to them. There's the drive to the gym or park, finding somewhere to park the car, getting changed, then spending 45 minutes to an hour working out, then getting back in the car, then getting home, getting changed. Eeek. Most of the time it just seems too hard. That's why, this year, 15 minutes is my mantra. An easy, breezy walk down to the beach, along the shore, then home. That said, I'm also going to whip out my Pilates DVD, throw a yoga mat on the floor and strike a few poses, just once a week. Oh, and I do so want to box at the beach on Saturday mornings. Even though it's a 45 minute class, it's only a five minute walk to get there and I adore every second of it.
I know that exercising makes me feel fabulous, so this year, I'm putting myself first and doing a little, more often.
acting out
From today I'm implementing a plan. I got up early and did a HUGE supermarket shop with ingredients for five different meals. Now, the plan is, that I'll cook those meals, using that exact food, and will only need to visit the butcher in a few days time for fresh meat stocks. Oh, and the fruit and veg store too. My intention is not to visit the supermarket for another full week - at least.
In the past, this hasn't worked. Mainly because I tend to cook to taste. I'll be in the mood for, say, lamb, and must-have lamb that night. My tastes are fickle, and variable, so hopefully I've got enough variety in my meal plan to last the week. There's sirloin steaks with bernaise sauce, home made oven-baked frites and a spinach and baby beet salad, chicken pad thai, organic beef burgers on buns with salad, haloumi and pancetta risotto and grown up mac and cheese (that's the new recipe I'm trying - with blue cheese, chorizo and roasted capsicum!)
I also stocked up on our new fave - mountain bread - the world's thinnest and most delish wraps. Our gal loves them rolled up with peanut butter or avocado, while we have them with salad and ham. They're so light they're barely there, but still fulfill that need for bread. Oh, and they make amazing pizza too.
Monday, January 05, 2009
lovin' oven
Actually, that title's somewhat misleading. As you know, I adore cooking shows - however, I often suffer from appliance envy. Copper saucepans? Oh I lust after. Vanilla Kitchen Aid mixer? Oh be still beating heart. Pots of fresh herbs on the windowsill? If only mine wouldn't cark it after a week. But nothing, oh nothing, turns me green quicker than the pristine, shiny ovens on cooking shows. With their gleaming silver racks, and sparkly glass windows they all look showroom fresh. And how? How I ask you?
See, I spent an hour this morning removing everything removable from my oven and scrubbing it in sudsy, scalding water. Then I sprayed my oven with my lovely, non-toxic cleaner, and scrubbed, and scrubbed, and scrubbed some more. It's cleaner, but it's lightyears away from showroom fresh. It's not because I neglect it either. I clean it pretty darned regularly, and have tried all manner of options - bi-carb soda and vinegar, enjo oven gloves, gumption... and so much elbow grease I should have the most toned biceps in town!
Nope, it's a used oven, and maybe I just really need to get over it. Who needs a window you can see through anyway?
manic monday
Oh hi, sorry, I haven't forgotten you're here. It's been one of those days today. Productive, but kinda hectic. I've had my nose pressed firmly to the grindstone, or at least I've had my fingers tethered to the keyboard... I must say though, that my early preparation is paying off. Even when an editor emailed me this morning to ask if I could send in a story a week early, I wasn't fazed. With my new, super-dooper attitude to deadlines, and early preparation, I could say yes, and have it to her before 3pm. Not bad huh!
Of course this sounds like bragging, because it is! However, as a former straggler, who procrastinated right up till the last second, it's refreshing being organised. Seriously, why hasn't anyone told me about this before?
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